7 Frequently Asked Cat Questions About Health Care

Cats may experience health issues. If you have a dear feline, you may have a few cat questions you would like to find the answer to. These questions may be related to the cat’s symptoms, behavior or possible diseases.

1. What Are the Most Common Health Issues in Cats?

Cats and kittens are brought to the vet most often due to internal or internal parasites and infections that affect the respiratory tract. Vaccinations should be applied to prevent respiratory infections and the cats should also get regular preventive dewormers.

Watch out for symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, which are indicative of dewormers or coughing and sneezing that can point to a respiratory infection.

2. How Are Parasites Removed?

Parasites can be removed if the cat receives dewormers. Each type of intestinal parasites will require a different type of dewormers.

External parasites such as fleas may be removed with different products that contain insecticides (i.e. shampoos or powders).

Topical ointments containing steroids can be recommended if the cat has serious external rashes or wounds.

3. When to Administer Vaccines?

Kittens will require all vaccinations and these can be administered starting from the age of 6 weeks. The compulsory cat vaccinations are the viral rhinotracheitis vaccine, the vaccine against the calicivirus, rabies and the panleukopenia.

Each of these vaccines should be repeated each year. Some vets will recommend boosters only once every 3 years.

4. What Is the Best Diet for a Cat?

There is no response to this question, as cats can live well on both dry and wet food, depending on how each feline responds to the diet and your pet’s health condition.

You must know that the dry food has dental benefits, while the wet food is richer in nutrients. Regardless of your food choice, you need to make sure your cat gets the right amounts of protein, fats and fibers.

If your cat is young, you should get kitten food. Senior cats may also require a special diet, which may be wet or dry.

5. When is Neutering Recommended? 

Neutering is recommended for cats of all ages to reduce the number of cats that don’t have owners. The optimal time for the neutering procedure is at 6 months, when the cat reaches adulthood. At this age, the neutering can be performed without great risks.

If not performed at 6 months, the cat can still be neutered at any age.

6. Will Neutering Affect the Cat? 

The neutering will affect the cat’s behavior and the cat should be friendlier and less aggressive. Spraying can also stop and the cat will spend more time indoors.

7. How Often Should I Take My Cat to Vet? 

A kitten should be taken once per month for regular checkups. The checkup can be performed when the cat receives his vaccines.

An adult cat should be brought for a routine checkup once or twice per year.

Senior cats should be examined every 3 months.

You should also take your pet to the vet if he displays symptoms such as chronic vomiting or diarrhea, seizures, respiratory problems, fervent itching, pale gums, suspicious lumps or other symptoms that worry you.

