Minimizing Allergic Reactions to Cats

Allergic reactions to cats are frequent among people. There is no remedy to get rid of the allergy, but these allergic reactions can be minimized, so that even an allergic person can own a cat. The symptoms of cat allergy include sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion, itchy nose and skin, and watery eyes.


Antihistamines are drugs used to treat allergies of any type. A cat allergy is a reaction of the body to allergens. The allergy is materialized in excessive release of histamines. The antihistamines can be found in drug stores and can be purchased without prescription. The drawbacks of the antihistamines are the possible side effects such as: drowsiness, irritability, nausea, dry mouth or dry nose.

As a rule, antihistamines work for a period of 3 months, after which, it is recommended to switch to a different type of antihistamines. Rotating antihistamines ensures that these are efficient and your cat allergy is under control.

Allergy Shots

People taking allergy shots reduce the effect of cat allergy by building up immunity to cat allergens. This treatment is a lengthy one, but there are people who became allergy-free after 4 to 5 years of shots.

The treatment starts with a weekly shot. In time, the shots can be administrated once a month and the cat allergy can be managed.

Cleaning Your House

Cat allergies are caused mainly by cat hair and dander. Cleaning your house on a regular basis can reduce your allergic reactions. Vacuum thoroughly at least once a week. Cat allergens are small particles and they are everywhere.

Try to reduce the number of rugs, curtains or cushions, because these collect cat allergens.

The Cat-Free Zone

Make sure to have a room where your cat is not allowed. This can be your bedroom so that you can get a good sleep. Cats like to lie around your bed. By creating such a cat-free zone in an area where you spend at least a third of your life can considerably reduce your cat allergies.

Add some air purifiers or filters in all of the other rooms; these will reduce the amount of allergens and you will sneeze less.

Cat Hygiene

Bathing and grooming your cat can make a great difference. Try to make a habit of the weekly bath, even if your cat is very hostile. There are methods to make your cat cooperative and offering affection and treats can help. A bath per week reduces the allergens in your house by as much as 90%. However, if you cannot get your cat to bathe, you can clean him by using a moist cloth-this will remove the cat dander.

Groom your cat at least three times a week.

Wash your hand regularly after grooming and playing with the cat. Avoid touching your eyes after having contact with the cat.


A proper diet for your cat is essential both for minimizing your allergy reactions and the well-being of your pet. A diet rich in protein and fatty acids can make a difference.

Minimize Exposure to Cats

Lower exposure to cats can minimize the allergic reaction. However, this may not be an option for cat owners.

