Antibacterial Soap for Dogs

Antibacterial soap can help treat dogs with conditions such as acne and ringworm. Such soaps are frequently used but there is a lot of controversy as to whether they are more effective than regular soaps, at keeping infections at bay.

Antibacterial Soap

Antibacterial soaps are cleaning agents that contain chemicals that are antibacterial in nature. These soaps have the capacity to kill bacteria and microbes. Such chemicals are not effective against viruses. One of the major ingredients contained in antibacterial soaps is Triclosan. Most brands of soaps currently available in the market have antibacterial properties and although initially they were confined to medical and veterinarian clinics, these are now widely used as household products.

Antibacterial Soap for Dogs with Acne

Canine acne is not a very common condition but breeds such as bulldogs, mastiffs, Dobermans, Rottweiler’s and boxers are prone to it. This condition starts during puberty and resolves by the time the pet is a year old. Acne is characterized by red bumps and blackheads on the pet’s chin, muzzle and lip areas. If the boils become infected, they cause itchiness and irritation. Loss of pigmentation and hair can also occur in some cases. Regular cleaning of the skin with warm water and an antibacterial soap made for dogs can help the healing process.

You should soak a washcloth in hot water and wring it out. This washcloth should be applied to the affected parts till the cloth has cooled. The area should then be washed with an antibacterial soap manufactured for pets and more warm water. The soap helps wash away the bacteria and infection. It’s best to not use antibacterial soap manufactured for use on humans on your pet as this can prove harmful.

Antibacterial Soap for Dogs with Ringworm

Ringworm in dogs is a very contagious condition caused by a fungus known as dermatophytes. Ringworm is characterized by round bald patches and hair loss in areas such as the face, ears, tail and paws. If left untreated, lesions that grow in size appear. These become red, inflamed and full of pus with time. It’s best to wash the infected areas with a mild antibacterial soap and warm water twice a day to control the infection and prevent it from spreading.

Benefits and Side Effects of Antibacterial Soap

Antibacterial soaps help prevent the spread of bacteria and reduce the risk of infections. Such soaps also remove germs more efficiently as compared to ordinary soaps.  However, they kill all bacteria, both disease-causing and beneficial bacteria. Since most infections are caused by viruses, antibacterial soaps don’t protect the pet from them. These soaps also have the potential to change the hormonal makeup of animal cells.

The Triclosan that’s present in antibacterial soap degrades slowly and kills up to 99.6 percent of germs on any surface. However, there is the risk that overuse may result in the development of resistant bacteria. Triclosan might also prove to be carcinogenic as it has been found to interact with the chlorine that’s present in the water to form chloroform gas.

Studies have yet to prove whether antibacterial soap is safe for usage or has the potential to pose health risks. Many medical professionals are of the opinion that washing hands thoroughly with warm water and ordinary soap on a regular basis can help wash away disease-causing germs and bacteria.

