Antifungal Cream for Dogs

Antifungal cream is used in dogs with skinfungal infections. Fungi are small organisms that find a host to feed on, causing infections. Fungal infections can affect internal organs but they usually manifest on the dog’s skin causing sores, itchiness, redness, ulcerations and hair loss. Antifungal creams are used topically to relieve the unpleasant symptoms and to kill the fungi. If you spot any symptoms on your dog’s skin, it is recommended that you take him for a veterinarian checkup and have the infection diagnosed correctly.

Antifungal Cream for Dogs

Antifungal creams are part of the treatment plan for fungal infections in dogs. These remedies are applied topically, on the skin. Most of them can also be used in more sensitive areas of the body. An antifungal cream relieves the uncomfortable symptoms and destroys the fungi.

The disadvantage of using antifungal creams is that the dog might lick them off the skin before the medication can produce any effect. You should try to prevent this after applying the cream by bandaging the skin or making sure you massage the cream into the skin.

Generally antifungal creams designed for human use can also be used in dogs. Before starting any type of treatment it is best to consult your veterinarian and let him decide on the most appropriate product for your dog’s infection. The most common active substances of antifungal creams are:

  • Chlotrimazole
  • Econazole
  • Itraconazole
  • Ketoconazole (has antibacterial effects as well)
  • Miconazole

Depending on the type of fungus affecting your dog, the veterinarian will prescribe an antifungal cream with active ingredients that are most efficient against the fungi.

Some fungal infections can be passed from dogs to other animals or humans. You should be careful when applying an antifungal cream on your dog. If it is contagious, avoid direct contact with your dog’s skin.

Types of Fungal Infections in Dogs

Most common fungal infections which affect the dog’s skin are:

  • Ringworm infection
  • Yeast infection (Malassezia pachydermatis)
  • Blastomycosis

Ringworm infections cause circular hairless patches on the dog’s skin. They cause itchiness and discomfort. Ringworm infections are highly contagious and can easily be passed to humans. If your dog has ringworms, you should wear gloves when applying topical medication on the affected area.

Yeast infections are also very common. Yeasts live on the dog’s skin but only cause infections when the dog’s immune system is down and does not have the ability to fight back.

Some breeds are more prone to getting yeast infections:

  • Basset hound
  • Cocker spaniel
  • Australian terrier
  • White terrier
  • West Highland Silky terrier
  • Maltese
  • Chihuahua
  • Poodle
  • Shetland sheepdog
  • Dachshund

Dogs that suffer from diabetes, hypothyroidism, allergies or are undergoing antibiotic or corticosteroids treatment can also easily develop yeast infection.

Blastomycosis is a disease caused by fungi, which will affect internal organs (lungs, vascular system, lymph nodes) and cause lesions on the skin. It can be contagious to humans, so be cautious when handling your pet.

