The Benefits of Professional Dog Dental Cleaning

Dog dental cleaning may be performed at home. However, as for humans, periodical professional cleaning is recommended to clean the deposits of plaque, or to detect any possible dental issues.

During the procedure, the dog will be under anesthesia, so the vet will be able to clean each tooth in part. The vet will clean the teeth and the gums; then he will polish them and will examine your dog's mouth. The vet will use special pastes and fluoride to do a complete oral cleaning.

Removal of Tartar

Tartar deposits are easily formed in a dog's mouth. All it takes is a few days without tooth brushing.

Tartar, also known as calculus is primarily caused by deposits of plaque. Plaque is formed as a thin pellicle on the surface of the teeth and is a mix of bacteria, minerals from the saliva and food remains. Plaque may be removed with regular at-home teeth brushing. However, if plaque is not removed, it will turn into tartar; tartar can only be removed by a professional pet dental hygienist.

Dogs that have a diet based on wet food are more exposed to tartar deposits; kibble food is beneficial for dental hygiene, as it is abrasive and can clean the plaque.

Preventing Gum and Periodontal Disease

The deposits of tartar may lead to complications such as gum disease, gingivitis or periodontal disease. The dog may suffer from dental abscesses and lose teeth. Also, the bacteria from the dog's mouth may enter the dog's body and cause heart, kidney or liver problems.

A professional cleaning will prevent all these diseases, ensuring that your dog has healthy teeth.

Whiter Teeth

A professional cleaning and polishing will remove any deposits of tartar and plaque and will give your dog a white smile.

No More Bad Breath

Bad breath may be caused by the deposits of tartar and bacteria. A thorough cleaning of your dog's teeth will eliminate bad breath.

However, if the halitosis is caused by other internal diseases, a dental cleaning will not solve the problem.

Early Detection of Dental Problems

A professional cleaning is performed by a trained vet; he will inspect the teeth, gums and mouth of the dog. Tooth decay, abscesses or any other dental problem may not be evident for an untrained eye; the vet may detect these, even if they are at an initial phase, preventing pain and other complications.

Many diseases show early symptoms in the mouth of the dog, so these diseases may be detected in the incipient phases and the dog may receive treatment.

Teeth Brushing Tips

You must know that dogs are not very cooperative when it comes to teeth brushing. If you get a professional dog dental cleaning, your vet may also give you valuable tips on how to make your dog more cooperative, how to efficiently brush your dog's teeth or what other dental hygiene products to get for your dog.

The vet will indicate when you need to come back for the next dental cleaning. Typically, a dog needs professional cleaning once or twice per year.

