The Best Lice Treatment for Your Dog

Lice on your dog may cause irritation and can make your pet ill. Lice carry diseases and may even lead to anemia, as lice feed on the dog's blood.

Lice are small, visible parasites. They're gray in color and have no wings. Dog lice move very slowly, and may be easily treated.

Insecticides for Dog Lice

A dog with lice should be treated with insecticides.

Give baths to your dog to make sure that the parasites are gone. Use a pyrethrin-based shampoo. After bathing, use a spray or a powder that contains insecticides. Bathe your dog once a week until you see that the lice are gone. The treatment should get rid of all lice in 10 to 14 days. Make sure that there are no lice eggs left on your dog's coat.

Additional Measures

In addition, you may groom your dog and make sure you disentangle any matted hair. You can even cut off hair that is matted, because this can be a good nesting place for lice.

Throw away your dog's towels and blankets and disinfect the crate and the rooms of the house to make sure the lice are completely gone, and to prevent re-infestation.

