Recurrent Canine Bladder Infection: The Possible Causes

A recurrent canine bladder infection can be a source of frustration for pet owners. The condition, which seems to appear suddenly, can cause severe pain during urination, blood in your pet's urine and a foul odor in the urine. It can also cause your pet to have accidents in the home, and he might urinate more frequently. Fortunately, once you understand the possible causes of recurrent bladder infections, you can take the necessary steps to treat and prevent them.

Possible Causes of Recurrent Canine Bladder Infections

Canine bladder infection is caused by bacteria in the inside lining of the urinary bladder and the urethra.

Bacteria can enter the dog's system through the mouth, through licking, through contact with bacteria outdoors, etc.

Some medical conditions that can cause bladder infections are:

  • weight gain
  • diabetes
  • bladder stones
  • tumors
  • kidney infection

While these conditions can cause bladder infections, they are not the cause of recurrent bladder infections. Your dog's recurrent infections may be caused by the urinary tracts' inability to fight off the many different types of harmful bacteria the system comes in contact with on a daily basis.

Canine Bladder Infection Prevention

In order to prevent canine bladder infections, make sure your pet has plenty of fresh water at all times. Your dog should have easy access to the backyard or other areas in order to relieve himself at all times. Making your pet wait can cause bacteria to build up in the urinary system. Most vets agree that moist food, rather than dry food, moves through the digestive system easier and exercise and minimal stress also help to prevent bladder infections.

