Identifying Canine Diabetes Insipidus

Canine diabetes insipidus is a rare disease often referred to as water diabetes. It occurs in two forms. With the first, the dog's pituitary gland doesn't produce enough of a hormone called vasopressine; with the second, the dog's kidney's don't respond to the secreted vasopressine. In either case, the dog's kidneys aren't functioning properly.

Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus

  • Increased thirst - Sometimes this symptom is not present even though there is an increase in urination.
  • Increased urination - The dog's body is having to increase output in order to rid itself of waste products.
  • Urine will be diluted and clear - Because the dog's kidneys are not going through resorption, waste in the urine is less concentrated.
  • Normal blood sugars - Unlike canine diabetes mellitus, a dog with diabetes insipidus will not have elevated blood sugars or pass elevated sugars into the urine.

Diagnosing Diabetes Insipidus

Identifying canine diabetes insipidus is more a matter of excluding other possibilities.

  • Tests are run to exclude Cushing's disease, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, liver disease, pyometra and other disorders.
  • A sonogram may be given in order to look at the pituitary gland for abnormalities.

Identifying canine diabetes insipidus requires a series of tests in order to rule out other potential problems. Once identified, it can be effectively managed with medication and diet.

