Canine Osteoarthritis Management with Glucosamine for Dogs

Osteoarthritis is a progressive and debilitating disease that typically affects older dogs. Although there is no way of curing this condition, glucosamine for dogs is a veterinarian-approved supplement that can slow the process of decline and preserve your pet's mobility and comfort levels. With proper treatment using glucosamine supplements, you can extend your pet's healthy and active life for months and even years to come.

Canine Osteoarthritis Overview

Osteoarthritis in dogs is a degenerative joint disease. It causes inflammation and damage to the joints in your dog's body and to the ligaments that connect them. The disease can be localized in one area or spread throughout your pet's entire body, but in either case it makes movement of the connecting joints painful and slow. As time goes on, the inflammation and discomfort worsens until your pet is practically immobile.

Treatment of canine osteoarthritis typically involves a combination of methods addressed at easing the symptoms of the disease and increasing your pet's comfort levels. Lifestyle changes are also helpful in order to ensure that your pet does not put any unnecessary stress upon his bones or joints. Amongst all of the various avenues for addressing this condition, however, glucosamine is the only one that can actually improve your pet's joint condition.

What Is Glucosamine?

Glucosamine is a naturally-occurring chemical found in cartilage tissue in animals. Healthy dogs produce a certain amount of glucosamine, though this chemical drops in pets as they age or in pets with osteoarthritis. Your pet utilizes glucosamine to maintain overall joint health, and without this chemical in his system, the joints tend to deteriorate at a faster rate.

Treating Osteoarthritis Symptoms with Glucosamine

Synthetic glucosamine is available in tablet or liquid form for pets that have arthritis or may be at risk for developing the condition. This drug is a prescription medicine and is only available after consulting with a veterinarian. Many vets recommend glucosamine supplements as a preventative measure for dogs as they age.

The dosage of glucosamine depends upon your pet's condition, age and weight. Generally, 750 mg to 1 g is sufficient for every 50 pounds of weight, and most glucosamine regimens call for a daily administration. If your pet suffers from osteoarthritis, or if you suspect that he may develop osteoarthritis as he ages, speak with your veterinarian about using glucosamine to address his symptoms. Most pets experience dramatic recovery in just a few weeks of treatment.

Glucosamine has minimal side effects, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If your pet does experience any adverse reactions to the drug, speak with a veterinarian immediately. It is important to keep in mind also that glucosamine does not cure arthritis, but rather simply addresses the symptoms. As a result, expect that your pet's condition may deteriorate quickly if he does not receive his standard dosage of glucosamine.

While glucosamine supplements are not curative, they can significantly improve a dog's bone and joint health and may also contribute to increased flexibility and mobility. Like all prescription drugs, it is important that you work closely with a veterinarian to monitor your pet's condition while he is taking the medicine.

