Cat Behavior after Spaying

After spaying, cat behavior will generally remain the same. Your cat might act differently for a few days while recovering from the operation, but her personality will remain unchanged. Spaying your cat has many advantages, both for her health, and in preventing unwanted kittens from coming into the world.

Short Term Cat Behavior

Your cat's behavior after spaying will depend on whether or not the vet keeps her overnight to recover from the operation. Leaving her at the vet for this period is better than taking her home, as she can be kept very quiet and under supervision while recovering from the anesthetic. If you bring her home after this, she will usually be close to her normal self.

If you bring your cat home immediately following the operation, much more care should be taken. She should be kept warm and quiet, preferably in a small room or a large cage, with access to water, food and a litter box. Remember that she may be very groggy and uncoordinated, and may also be more aggressive than usual. Make sure she does not hurt herself or you, and keep young children away from her.

After being spayed, your cat will be tender around the incision for a few days, and may become aggressive if she thinks you are trying to touch it. However, you should check the area for signs of infection, like redness, swelling or weeping fluids. Your cat may have trouble urinating or defecating for the first two days, or may urinate more than usual. She may also show little interest in food. This is normal for the first few days, but if this continues after two days, you should mention it to the vet.

A few weeks after your cat has been spayed, you may notice a slight swelling in the area of the scar. This is normal, and as long as there is no redness, weeping fluids or opening of the scar, it should resolve on its own.

Long Term Cat Behavior

While spaying your cat won't change her behavior much, it will make some differences. Cats can become very affectionate and clingy when they are in heat, so she will be slightly calmer and more independent after being spayed. Cats are only in heat part of the time, however, and this is the only behavior which should change.

Cats can also gain weight after they have been spayed.  If your cat is in heat and seeking a mate she will expend a lot of energy. She would also spend more energy when pregnant or feeding her kittens. Spayed cats don't expend this energy, and so can more easily gain weight. By feeding your cat a nutritious, well balanced diet, and playing with her to keep her active, you can prevent this weight gain and the health problems that can come with it.

Spaying your cat will extend her life and prevent her from bringing more unwanted kittens into the world. Your cat may act differently in the first few days after her operation, but should otherwise return to normal with only slight changes to her behavior.

