Cat Health Problems Indicated by Blood in Stool

Cat health problems may be indicated by numerous symptoms; blood in the stool is an alarming sign and should be a symptom that requires immediate attention. Hematochezia also known as blood in the stool may signal that the cat is bleeding in the lower intestine. Melena is also a condition that is linked to blood in the stool; however, in this case, the blood will be darker and digested; this condition signals a bleeding in the stomach or upper intestinal tract.


In younger cats, blood in the stool often indicates the presence of parasites in the intestinal tract. Hookworms or roundworms will lodge in the infected cat’s intestine, causing irritation and blood in the feces.


Infections in cats may be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi and often, these infections will be located in the intestinal tract. If not treated, the infections may cause blood in the stool. Other symptoms of intestinal infections include vomiting, diarrhea and the lack of appetite.

Infections that cause blood in the stool include the panleukopenia, salmonella or coccidia.

Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation may result in blood in the feces. If the feces that are passed are constantly dry, these may hurt the intestinal tract, causing bleeding.

Food Intolerance

Food intolerance or food allergies may cause blood in the stool. Cats may develop food intolerances or allergies to common ingredients such as chicken, turkey, wheat, soy or corn. However, if the cat eats spoiled food or has a sudden change in diet, he may also present food intolerance symptoms.

The cat will also vomit and have diarrhea. The blood in the stool will occur due to the persistent diarrhea.


Polyps are benign tissue lumps that may be located in different areas of the body; when these are located in the colon or the rectal area, there will be blood in the stool. Polyps may be surgically removed and unlike cancerous tumors, these masses will not spread.

Tumors in the Intestinal Tract

In older pets, the bleeding may be caused by tumors in the intestinal tract. These tumors may be malignant, so a biopsy is needed to determine if they may be removed through surgery; if the tumors are malignant, chemotherapy will be needed.


Colitis or the inflammatory bowel disease may cause blood in the stool in cats. This condition causes the swelling of the colon. The exact cause of colitis is not determined, but the condition may be linked to a dysfunctional immune system. Colitis may be diagnosed through a colon biopsy.

Proctitis is also associated with colitis and is the inflammation of the rectum causing blood in the stool.


Trauma in the pelvis or rectal area may also cause blood in the feces. These accidents may range from sharp objects that were ingested and hurt the intestines to pelvis fractures.

Rare occurrences of blood in the stool may not be a serious condition; however, if this occurs on repeated occasions, the cat requires a general checkup for more serious conditions.

