Cat Health Problems Indicated by Vomiting

Vomiting can sometimes indicate serious cat health problems but may also be just a natural response to ingested food that hasn’t agreed with the dog’s stomach. It is helpful to know what health problems vomiting may indicate.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Cats eat different foods, plants and objects that may cause gastrointestinal problems. Vomiting is just a way to eliminate the food that may have been toxic or hasn’t agreed with the dog’s stomach.

If the cat continues vomiting for more than 24 hours, you should visit the vet. Also, if you suspect that your cat has ingested a toxic ingredient, you should go to the vet immediately.

Intestinal Parasites

Cats may have intestinal parasites that will cause vomiting and diarrhea. The parasites lodge in the intestinal tract and will interfere with the normal process of digestion, causing the cat to throw up. Often, these parasites will be visible in the feces of the cat.

Monitor your cat and visit the vet for a prescription dewormer.

The intestinal parasites are easy to eliminate and doing this will also relieve the cat’s discomfort.

Stomach Infections

Stomach infections may also cause cat vomiting. The infections may be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. These bacteria, fungi or viruses are transmitted from other felines through air, saliva or feces.

A cat with a stomach infection will also display symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, poor appetite and a general state of weakness.

Once detected, stomach infections may be treated with antibiotics or fungicides.

Liver or Pancreas Problems

If the cat has liver or pancreas problems, these may also cause chronic vomiting. It may also happen that the cat has a malignant tumor in the vicinity of the liver and pancreas, which cause the cat to throw up.

Liver problems may be signaled by jaundice (yellow eye whites), pale gums and lethargy.

Liver or pancreas problems can be detected by running a few blood tests.

Stomach Ulcer

Stomach ulcer is also a condition that may cause the cat to throw up. The ulcer may be caused by an unsuitable diet or by stress and may be managed through a change in the diet and medication.

Heat Stroke

If your cat has been exposed to heat, he may suffer from a heat stroke. Vomiting is among the first symptoms to indicate a heat stroke.

Cats often get heat strokes, as they cannot adjust to high temperatures, being only able to perspire through the paws.

A heat stroke can be treated by applying some cold compresses on the cat; avoid ice packs and keep your pet away from the sun or an overheated space.

Cat vomiting may indicate less severe problems such as grass eating, the elimination of a hairball, food allergies or food intolerance or a sudden change in the diet. However, chronic vomiting may also point to more serious problems such as stomach or esophagus tumors, gastritis, enterocolitis or a hormonal imbalance. If your cat is vomiting and this is accompanied by other symptoms as well, you should see a vet.

