Cat Vitamins

Cat vitamins work great along with a quality pet food. The vitamins may be present in the cat food, but there are certain types of commercial food that lack all the needed vitamins for your cat. However, they may be provided as supplements as well. The lack of certain vitamins from the cat’s diet, the cat is susceptible to numerous diseases and anemia. There are 2 types of vitamins that cats require: water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and a healthy cat’s diet should include both types of vitamins.

Water Soluble Vitamins

The water soluble vitamins, as the name suggests are substances that can be easily soluble in water and assimilated in the cat’s system; if the vitamins are not needed by the cat’s body, they will be eliminated in the urine. The B group vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble vitamins required by the cat’s organism. Other vitamins that should not lack from your cat’s daily diet include choline, biotin or the folic acid. Check the labels of the cat food you give your pet for these compounds; if these are not present you should consult your vet to prescribe you some supplements.

B Group Vitamins

The most common vitamins from the B vitamin group include niacin, riboflavin and thiamine. The amount needed depends greatly on the age, sex and size of your pet.

The water soluble vitamins will support the immune system of your pet; the lack of the needed amounts of vitamins from the B group can make the cat more prone to diseases and viruses. In addition, a vitamin B deficit will make your cat tired, having slower reflexes; your cat will also require more time to heal from illnesses.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also a water soluble vitamin that should not be absent from the cat’s daily diet, as it supports the cat’s skin health, being employed in the collagen synthesis.

Fat Soluble Vitamins

The fat soluble vitamins are deposited in the cat’s fat tissues and used when they are needed. Unlike the water soluble vitamins, which can be administered in excess without creating a health problem, the fat soluble vitamins in excess can be toxic. Consequently, you should always consult your vet before administering fat soluble vitamin supplements to your cat. The dosage should be established depending on your cat’s age, weight or medical condition.

The cat needs the following fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K.

A deficit of fat soluble vitamins will result in a scaly skin and a dull looking coat. If the cat lacks vitamin A, he may not be able to see during nighttime, which can affect his activity and cause stress.

These are the essential vitamins a feline requires; check the food labels and see if it contains these vitamins. If not, talk to your vet. Some vitamins may require additional minerals to be properly assimilated.

In addition to vitamins, a cat may also require some essential minerals such as: calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium and chloride.

