Cataract Eye Drops for Cats

Cataract eye drops are a method of treatment that can be beneficial to cats with this ocular problem. Cataracts are not a common eye problem in cats and are usually a result of a secondary problem.

Cataracts in Cats Explained

A cataract occurs in a cat when his lens is opaque and blocks light from reaching the retina. This eye problem is rarely inherited, but can be due to a disease that can cause inflammation of the eye, or due to an abnormality of the eye’s lens, nutritional problems, or trauma to the eye. Cataracts can eventually lead to blindness in cats.

Symptoms of a cataract in a cat include noticing the inside of the feline’s eye is milky-white, blue or gray in color. Since the cat is not able to see as well, he may run into objects. A cat with cataracts may also squint a lot and have an eye that looks red or inflamed.

To diagnose cataracts in a cat, a veterinarian will complete a physical examination of the feline, including an examination of the eye. Blood tests will be required to see if an underlying problem can be found. If the retina is too blurry, an ultrasound machine may be used to examine the eye along with an electroretinogram, which can tell how the retina is functioning. 

Treating Cataracts in Cats with Eye Drops

There are no treatments that will prevent, reverse, or shrink cataracts. However, the eye problem can be treated by treating the underlying condition that is causing the cataracts or by using prescribed antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medicines. If a cat is a good candidate, the cataracts can be removed surgically. It is agreed that one of the best methods of treatment include the use of medicated eye drops.

Eye drops to treat cataracts include drops that will help reduce inflammation and redness of the eye. Drops with prednisone, which is related to cortisone, contain glucose and resemble steroid hormones a cat's body produces on its own. Eye drops with prednisone can help alleviate eye pain and swelling associated with the cataracts. Dexamethasone is another anti-inflammatory ingredient that can be found in eye drops to treat cataracts.

Dilating eye drops containing tropicamide or atropine may be also used to help a veterinarian examine a cat's eye. These medications block receptors within the muscles of the eye, causes the pupil of the eye to become dilated, and do not allow the eye to see things close-up. When a cat has cataracts, the dilating drops help relax the muscles that cause inflammation and over-contractions. The use of eye drops with atropine is one of the most popular treatments for cataracts in cats.

Antibiotic ophthalmic drops can benefit a cat with cataracts if his eyes are infected. Antibiotic drops may also be used before a cat undergoes cataract surgery to clear-up or prevent infections of the eye.

Vision-loss due to cataracts in a cat's eye occurs over a long period of time. As that time passes, a cat will usually be able to adjust his lifestyle accordingly with little or no problems.

