Causes of Dog Drooling

Dog drooling can be a normal reaction to the sight of food but when in excess, drooling can indicate a health problem. Some dog breeds drool regularly, due to the anatomy of their face; their skin is too loose in the mouth and jaw area. However, most dogs drool occasionally.

Teeth Problems

Dog drooling can signal that the dog has a fractured or decayed tooth. The dog cannot control the drooling. You can easily identify the fracture or the cavity by taking a look at your dog’s teeth.

A dog with teeth problem will also suffer from halitosis, which is commonly known as bad breath.

Gum Infection

Gum infection is another common reason for dog drooling. Gum infection may be caused by tartar deposits. Tartar is formed from plaque deposits mixed with the minerals in the saliva. Tartar cannot be cleaned by regular tooth brushing and in time it advances, causing gum disease.

Gum disease may be signaled by receding gums and yellowish deposits at the base of the teeth.


A dog that has ingested a toxic food may start drooling. Drooling is among the first symptoms of poisoning, followed by vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea and seizures in some cases.

The dog needs to get an antidote within 24 hours of the ingestion of the toxic material; otherwise the poisoning can be fatal.

Some common foods that are toxic for dogs include: chocolate, raisins, grapes, garlic, coffee, alcohol or xylitol found in chewing gum.

Foreign Objects

Foreign objects that have been ingested and are lodged in the dog’s throat may cause involuntary drooling. The object may also be stuck between the dog’s teeth or gums.

Try removing the object, but make sure not to hurt your pet. Use a pair of sterilized tweezers. If the removal of the foreign object is problematic, you need to consult the vet. Surgery may be needed to safely remove the object.


If the dog has stomatitis or an injury located in the mouth, this may cause drooling. These injuries may be detected at home; use a flashlight to get a better view at the back parts of your dog’s mouth.


Mouth tumors can lead to excessive drooling. A tumor will also be signaled by bleeding gums, bad breath or the difficulty to eat.


A dog infected with rabies may droll excessively. Rabies is rare in dogs and may be contracted from stray and unvaccinated dogs or other animals.

Liver Disease

Liver disease may be the cause for drooling. Liver disease is also signaled by vomiting, pale gums or yellowish eye whites.

Dogs that experience nausea or extreme pain may also drool excessively. You need to identify the cause and seek veterinary attention.

Monitor your dog and see if he changes his drooling behavior. Dog drooling may be indicative of a health condition if it is accompanied by panting or difficulty in breathing, bad breath, head shaking or scratching of the mouth area.

Drooling dogs may be prone to dehydration, so make sure you offer him plenty of fresh water.

