Chronic Pain Relief for Cats

It's best to first conduct a vet check and follow vet instructions to provide chronic pain relief to your cat, as you can do more harm than good by administering the wrong drug or the wrong dose to relieve your pet. Cats are stoic creatures and it's difficult to realize if your pet is suffering from pain.

Symptoms of Pain in Cats:

Chronic Pain in Cats

Chronic pain is a pain that is caused by an underlying condition and its duration lasts till the underlying condition is treated. Chronic pain can therefore persist for weeks or months. Cats can suffer from chronic pain due to arthritis or cancer. It's important to control the pain as it can cause delayed healing, weight loss, weakness and can result in a weak immune system.


You should never administer medicines to your cat without informing the vet. Apart from this, human pain relievers should never be administered to cats because such medications can result in severe side effects and even death. Cats lack a specific liver enzyme that's necessary for metabolism. As a result, human pain relievers are not flushed out of the cat's system, but remain in the cat for a long time. They can cause liver and kidney damage and intestinal bleeding that can prove fatal. Medication should be administered in small doses and pet owners should take the cat for frequent followup checks to avoid complications.

Pain Relievers for Cats

Vets prescribe a number of drugs to treat cats suffering from chronic pain. Aspirin is prescribed for relief from arthritic pain, but should be used sparingly because it inhibits the ability of the blood to clot and isn't metabolized quickly by felines. As a result, aspirin can cause stomach pain and ulcers. It should never be used in conjunction with non steroid anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


This is an anti-inflammatory drug used to relieve pain in cats suffering from joint disease. Prolonged use of this drug can inhibit the endocrine system and can cause excessive thirst and urination. Prednisone is contraindicated in diabetic cats and shouldn't be given in conjunction with NSAIDs.


Tramadol is a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug that is safe for use as a pain reliever for cats. It can cause mild side effects such as lowered heart rate, stomach upset and constipation. An overdose can even cause seizures. This drug should not be used in conjunction with flea or tick preventatives.


A Fentanyl patch can be applied on a painful area if the cat has cancer or is recovering from a surgery. There can be a skin irritation at the site where the patch is applied and if the dosage is high, it can slow down the respiratory system. Care should be taken to see that your pet doesn't ingest the patch, because it can prove toxic.

Alternative treatments such as magnetic therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy and massage therapy can also help with chronic pain relief in cats. However, if you decide to opt for medications, you should conduct a vet check to find out the medications and dosages that are safe for your cat.
