Controlling Cat Dander

Cat dander is a common allergen that causes irritations and negative reactions in about 10% of humans. Cat dander is shed by cats on a regular basis and may be found on furniture, clothes carpets or drapes. Cat dander is shed in small particles so it is not visible, but it is airborne, gets inhaled and may cause severe allergic reactions and irritations in humans. Controlling cat dander can reduce allergic reactions in you or your guests and keep your home clean.

Improve Cat Skin Quality

Cat dander is actually dry and dead skin that is shed regularly, depending on how dry your pet’s skin is.

It is falsely believed that if you bathe your cat too frequently, his skin may get dryer, as the cat’s skin condition depends also on his diet and the shampoo that you are using.

Get a gentle shampoo; frequent baths with a shampoo for sensitive skin will reduce the amount of dander your cat sheds. If your cat refuses to be bathed, you can clean him with a damp towel.

Add some fish oil or flaxseed oil to your pet’s diet, so that you improve the skin’s quality. Ask your vet for additional diet supplements that promote the skin’s health, preventing dry skin.

Vacuuming and Cleaning

Vacuuming and cleaning gets rid of the excess amount of cat dander from your house. Insist on corners and more hidden areas, where dander may also land. Remember that cat dander is airborne and may land just about everywhere in your home.

You should also consider getting rid of a few carpets, as carpets gather a lot of dander.


Cat grooming is recommended not only for your cat’s health and his fur and skin’s well being, but also to minimize the shedding of cat dander.

Brush your cat with a suitable pet brush and then use a wet sponge to remove the dead skin and the impurities from your cat’s skin.

Massage your pet’s skin, as this may also remove the dander. Use a special glove and wear a mask in case you are allergic to dander to avoid the inhalation of dander.

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers can clean the air and absorb cat dander, but this solution does not replace the cleaning of your house.

Cat Free Zone

In case you are allergic to cat dander, you need to consider keeping a room that is cat free.

Typically, the bedroom should be forbidden for cats, as the bedroom is a room where you spend at least 1/3 of your day.

Lock the door during the day and teach your cat that he is not allowed in that room.

Allergy relief bedding is also recommended.

Cat dander may cause mild reactions in people starting from sneezing, which occurs even if you are not allergic to pets. Cat dander is the main cause of cat allergies, as the dander contains a protein that interacts with the immune system of more sensitive people.

As a cat owner, getting rid of cat dander is a priority to ensure that you don’t develop allergies (as allergies may occur at any age) and to have a clean house.

