Cutaneous Lymphoma in Dogs Explained

When suffering from the malignant disease lymphoma, dogs can be affected in numerous organs, like the liver and spleen, in addition to the lymph nodes. It's a fatal cancer that spreads quickly; however, early treatment can save years to your dog's life.

Early Stages of Cutaneous Lymphoma

A healthy lymphatic system is responsible for the manufacturing and circulation of white blood cells to fight disease. Lymphoma occurs when the white blood cells begin to spread unchecked by the lymphatic system, eventually attacking and disabling other cells.

Symptoms of Dog Lymphoma

Cutaneous lymphoma in particular refers to lymphomas that form on or under skin. You'll notice ulcers on the skin and in the mouth, which will appear red or inflamed.

Diagnosing Lymphoma

In order to diagnose your dog, your vet will take blood tests, tumor aspirations, biopsies of affected areas and x-rays.

Treating Lymphoma, and Possible Mast Cell or Prostate Cancer in Dogs

Treatment for cutaneous lymphoma begins with surgery, with the intent of removing cancers before they metastasize, chemotherapy to kill the cells, and immune moderators to prevent your dog from becoming sick. On a home front, providing your dog with a low-carbohydrate diet rich with Omega 3 fatty acids will keep your dog as healthy as possible.

