Deworming Cats With Profender Spot On

Profender spot on is a treatment used to prevent worm infections in cats. Apart from routinely checking pets for fleas and administering regular vaccines, cat owners should deworm their pets periodically. Most often kittens are born with a worm infection that is passed on to them through a queen worm via the mother's milk or while still in the womb.

Before understanding what spot on deworming treatments do, look for the following symptoms in your cat that indicate worm infections.

Symptoms of Cat Worms

  • Worms or worm segments in feces
  • Diarrhea
  • Dull coat
  • Cat vomits worms

Symptoms may not always show up, as worms are known to remain dormant for awhile and become active when your cat suffers from an injury or during pregnancy.

Profender Spot On for Treating and Preventing Cat Worms

Profender Spot On treats and prevents the following kinds of worms:

  • Roundworm
  • Hookworm
  • Tapeworms

Profender Spot On contains 15mg emodepside and 60.1mg praziquantel. It should be appropriately administered, as an overdose could lead to poisoning. Profender spot on for cats is a topical treatment that enters the bloodstream and travels to the intestines after application to the skin. Since most worms are attached to the lining of the intestines, the two active ingredients kill all worms on contact.

Cats generally don't cooperate when their owners try to treat them for medical conditions. Profender is available in pre-measured tubes so that pet owners can easily administer the dose at the back of the neck For this reason spot on treatments are very convenient. In most cases the first treatment effectively kills all worms. If your cat is re-infected with worms, the same medication may be administered after a wait period.

Ages Eligible for Profender Spot On

  • Kittens 8 to 12 weeks of age and over 0.5kg can be treated every 3 months
  • Pregnant cats may be treated before birth of kittens
  • Adult cats over 5 to 8 kg should be treated every 3 months

Risks of Profender Spot On

  • Cats shouldn't be allowed to lick the medication after it has been applied as it causes vomiting and drooling.
  • Temporary hair loss at the site of application occurs in some cats.
  • Profender spot on is dangerous if ingested.
  • It shouldn't come in contact with the eyes as it causes excessive irritation.
  • If the cat is suffering from a severe worm infection, the vet will recommend a microscopic examination of the stool sample to detect the kind of worms present. As all worms might not respond to the same drug or medication, other deworming options are used in combination to treat worm infections. Since worm eggs or larvae pass through cat feces, fleas carry worm eggs from contaminated feces and re-infect your cats.

Remember to keep your surroundings clean and vacuum your carpets regularly. Read package instructions carefully before starting a worm treatment on your pet and call the national animal poison control center immediately if you think that your pet has ingested the medication.

