Diagnosing Panosteitis in Dogs

Panosteitis is a disease that primarily affects younger dogs and larger breeds of dogs. However, it can affect any dog and it may strike regardless of age, breed, gender or any other factor. Because of this reason, it's beneficial for all pet owners to have a basic familiarity with the symptoms and diagnosis of this condition. Panosteitis is characterized by a swelling and soreness of the bones and joints. It causes severe pain and discomfort for the dog that is affected by it, and may even preclude that dog from walking or moving around properly as he is used to.

Overview of Panosteitis Symptoms

In order to properly diagnose panosteitis in your dog, you'll first need to be able to recognize the disease when you see it. Panosteitis has a few easily recognizable symptoms and other warnings. The more aware you are of these symptoms, the better that you'll be able to quickly and properly identify them. When you've done so, you can then take your pet into the vet for a proper diagnosis and to begin the adequate treatment procedure as well. The most common symptoms of Panosteitis include:

  • Visible swelling in one or more of the legs
  • Difficulty sitting down or lying down, standing up or walking around
  • Change in gait
  • Tenderness at palpation or at the touch
  • Frequent rubbing, licking or chewing at the affected area

If you see any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible so as to properly diagnose the situation. Take a log of each of the symptoms that you've seen above and keep track of when they began and how severe they were at the outset. This will help your vet to determine exactly when the condition began and how severe it is.

Diagnosing Panosteitis

Once you've taken your pet in for the diagnosis procedure to begin, your vet will start out with a basic physical examination. This is designed to determine whether there are any major issues going on with your pet's body. If he detects any strange swelling or other issues, this may be a warning sign right away. Otherwise, your vet will then concentrate on reproducing and determining the symptoms that you've described.

The actual diagnosis is often done visually and with a few tests of muscle and leg coordination and response time. Once your vet has properly diagnosed the condition as panosteitis, you can then begin to discuss potential treatment options for your dog.

Treating Panosteitis

In order to treat panosteitis, you'll first have to be willing to allow your dog plenty of time to rest and recover. You may also need to give him certain pain relievers or other medicines, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs to stop the swelling of his legs and joints.

For more information about how to address and diagnose panosteitis, speak with your veterinarian.

