Diet for Bladder Stones in Cats

Bladder stones in cats may occur due to the pet’s diet and his health condition. The bladder stones are mineral formations that may be deposited on the urinary bladder and may possibly cause some complications such as a urinary blockage. The bladder stones may be removed through surgery, but there are various risks associated with surgery; diet is another treatment option that will have no risks.

Feline Bladder Stones Treatment

Bladder stones can be eliminated naturally, especially if the cat drinks more fresh water. The treatment options will vary according to the chemical composition of the stones and their size. Tests will have to be performed to determine the type of treatment that is most suitable. The treatment may be made up of:

  • Surgery - if the stones are larger and there is the risk of an urinary blockage
  • Diet - focusing on feeding the cat more acidic foods, which may help dissolve the stones

The vet may also decide not to administer any type of treatment, as the stones may be eliminated naturally, in time.

Diet for Bladder Stones

A change in diet to dissolve the bladder stones is often chosen as a course of treatment. This type of treatment will have no risks when compared to surgery.

In many cases, the bladder stones may be caused by the cat’s diet and the fact that the urine is alkaline, facilitating the mineral deposits. Also, if the cat eats kibble food only and fails to drink sufficient amounts of water, bladder stones are more likely to form. The kibble food contains a lot of minerals that are most commonly eliminated in the urine, but may also be deposited in the bladder, especially if the cat urinates less frequently.

Vegan and vegetarian diets will also make the urine alkaline and this may also result in mineral deposits.

The diet to dissolve bladder stones will have to keep the pH of the urine acidic.

What to Include in the Diet

The compounds in the cat’s diet will depend on the composition of the bladder stones. The stones may contain potassium, sodium, calcium or ammonia.

The vet will ensure that the diet will contain fewer amounts of the compounds that are found in the bladder stones.

The amounts of meat will be increased, as these will make the urine more acidic.

The vet will make a switch to canned food, which contains a higher percentage of water and is healthier for the bladder. The water intake will also have to be increased, as water can flush out the smaller bladder stones.

What to Avoid

Your vet will also give you a list of foods that are not recommended if your cat ahs bladder stones or is prone to developing these:

  • Dairies, which contain calcium and can be deposited in the form of stones, when in excess in the body
  • A high amount of fruits and vegetables, which will make the urine alkaline
  • Carbohydrates, which will also make the urine alkaline.
