Diet for Cats with Kidney Stones

The diet for cats with kidney stones should focus on flushing out or dissolving the existing stones if they are soluble, and to prevent the occurrence of other kidney stones. The water intake of a cat with kidney stones is also important, because it can help flush out the stones or prevent the formation of new stones.

Diet and Kidney Stones

The formation of kidney stones is often a result of a poor diet, or one that is made up of kibble food only. The kidney stones may be made up of various minerals, which can be in excess in the dog's diet.

It is important to analyze the composition of the kidney stones that affect your pet; however, this can be problematic, because the stones can only be analyzed if they are eliminated. If the stones can be analyzed, the vet will be able to determine exactly the type of diet the cat needs and reduce the intake of minerals that lead to the formation of crystals in the urine. Otherwise, the vet can give some general guidelines that will possibly help flush out the soluble kidney stones and prevent the formation of other kidney stones.

Wet Diet

A wet diet is recommended for cats that have kidney stones, regardless of the composition of the stones. Canned food that has a formula beneficial for cats with a kidney problem can be used in felines with kidney stones as well. The diet should be rich in meats and poorer in vegetables and dairy products, which make the urine more alkaline and can facilitate the formation of crystals in the urine, leading to kidney stones. Make sure that the food is always fresh and never leave the food outside for more than 1 or 2 hours, because it will be spoiled and this may affect the cat's digestive process.

Diet Low in Minerals

Phosphorus can be a cause of kidney stone formation, so the vet will recommend a diet that is low in phosphorus. Other possible culprits leading to kidney stones include sodium, calcium, ammonia and carbonates. Check the labels of the food you purchase for the cat or talk to your vet to recommend an at-home diet that you can prepare, avoiding ingredients that are rich in these minerals.

Water Intake

The amount of water a cat with kidney stones gets is very important. The water is essential to dissolve water soluble kidney stones and will also prevent other kidney stones from forming. The water can also flush out non-soluble kidney stones.

Normally, a cat should drink approximately half a liter of water per day, but you may increase this amount to at least 750 ml until the stones are flushed out. You may also add some lemon juice to the water, which will make the urine more acidic and may help dissolve the crystal formations in the kidney area.
