Three Dog Allergy Relief Tips

Dog allergy relief doesn't have to be difficult. Here are some steps you can take you to relieve relieve your dog's allergies.

First Identify the Cause of Your Dog's Allergies

Your dog could be suffering from seasonal allergies, food allergies, inhalant or contact allergies, or even flea allergies. Identifying the cause of your dog's allergy symptoms is the crucial first step to relieving them. Your vet can help.

Then Customize Your Response

Your dog allergy relief plan will change depending on the cause of your dog's allergies. If your dog suffers food allergies, change his food to an hypo-allergenic one. If your dog suffers contact allergies, remove the allergen from his environment.

If your dog suffers seasonal allergies, closing your doors and windows during the allergy season can help keep allergens at bay. Daily vacuuming with a HEPA-filtered vacuum can relieve the symptoms of seasonal and indoor inhalant dog allergies.

Relieve your dog's flea allergy symptoms by treating the flea infestation with a veterinarian-prescribed medication.

If Necessary, Consider an Allergy Medication

If your dog's allergy symptoms are severe, consider an allergy medication. Your vet may prescribe a corticosteroid or antihistamine medication for your dog's allergy symptom relief.

