Dog Asthma Attack Triggers

Dog asthma is the irritation of the bronchi and will manifest through dry coughing. The irritation can be caused by various factors that may be found in the dog's environment and are typically inhaled by the pet. The irritants will cause a reaction from the immune system, which will produce inflammatory cells, resulting in the swelling of the respiratory tract and restricting the dog's airways. This will cause panting and coughing. The asthma triggers may be common factors such as dust or pollens, but may also be food ingredients or other less ordinary irritants. The irritants may be different in asthmatic dogs and will vary from dog to dog. A dog may have one or more asthma triggers. Knowing the triggers of your dog's asthma is important to keep the attacks at bay.

Pollens and Grasses

Pollens and grasses are the most frequently met allergens and are very likely to cause asthma attacks in sensitive canines. The pollens and grasses are seasonal (typically during spring and fall) and you can detect whether your dog is allergic to pollens if you notice that he has attacks more often during pollen seasons. If pollens are the asthma triggers in your pet, you will have to get air purifiers, reduce the dog's time outdoors during pollen season and clean his nose after each outing.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are present in all households and are tiny microorganisms that feed on dander and dirt. Dust mites may be temporarily removed with cleaning products, but can easily reappear. The dog will have asthma attacks when in contact with objects that are filled with dust. When cleaning, use anti-static products and try keeping your dog's environment dust free.

Household and Other Types of Chemicals

Household chemicals can cause asthma coughing in canines. Your dog may start to cough when vapors from cleaners reach his air passages or when exposed to paints or even home air fresheners. Other chemicals that may be asthma triggers in your dog include perfumes, detergents, shampoos or creams that you may use on your pet. Flea sprays and powders can be considered asthma triggers.


Smoke is a powerful irritant that may be the reason your dog is coughing. The smoke will enter the dog's system and he will secrete inflammatory cells, which will affect the capacity of the air passages, making the dog unable to breathe normally. Coughing will follow shortly after the smoke exposure. The smoke may be from cigarettes or a fireplace, so take the necessary measures to reduce the dog's exposure to smoke.


Your dog can have an asthma attack after eating an ingredient or inhaling the aroma of a food that you are making. Try to identify the ingredient and eliminate it from the pet's diet.


Sand contains various ingredients that may be irritants and dogs may have an asthma attack after being exposed to it. This is commonly due to the silica, which is an ingredient found in sand.
