Dog Back Injury Treatment through Surgery

Dog back injuries can occur due to accidents, rough outdoor play and if the pet takes a bad fall. The type of back injury that occurs varies and the treatment option is decided after detailed diagnosis of the severity of injury present. Since the spinal cord is responsible for certain bodily functions, it's important to initiate early treatment for dog's suffering from both minor and severe back injuries.

Spinal surgery has its advantages and disadvantages and pet owners should discuss, with the vet, treatment options necessary to help pets suffering from specific injuries. If back problems related to the spinal cord are left untreated, the condition can worsen and lead to lameness of the limbs and paralysis.

Types of Dog Back Injuries

  • Spinal tumors
  • Spinal fracture
  • Disk Disease
  • Muscle pulls

Diagnosis of Dog Back Injury

The vet will perform various diagnostic tests before surgical intervention. X-rays are useful as they provide radiographs of the spinal cord to detect spinal fractures. The vet will also perform a myelogram to diagnose internal swelling or inflammation. Dogs are sedated before a myelogram is conducted. CT scans and MRI scans are also effective diagnostic tests that reveal the severity of injury present. During diagnosis, the vet will look for signs of internal bleeding and blood clots as this is an indicator of severe spinal damage.

Treatment of Dog Back Injury

Pets that have been in an accident require emergency medical care to help them survive. If the pet suffers from bleeding associated with spinal fracture, it's necessary to avoid unnecessary movement and seek medical help. Surgery is performed to treat spinal injury that involves spinal fractures, spinal trauma and disk herniation. Since spinal surgeries are expensive and require the expertise of a trained veterinary surgeon, pet owners should discuss other treatment options with the vet before conducting the surgery. There are various risks associated with spinal surgery, particularly post-operative care.

However, if spinal surgery is the only effective treatment option available, pet owners should ensure that the surgery is performed by a licensed and trained vet surgeon. The most commonly performed surgery for dogs is known as disc fenestration. Since this procedure is complex, research is trying to establish newer techniques that use laser energy for the treatment of disk herniation.

Disc Fenestration

Disc fenestration involves separation of the inter-vertebral discs by surgically pulling the muscle away from the vertebrae. This procedure also helps to prevent future recurrence of disc herniation. The various risks associated with disc fenestration include post-operative bleeding, pain and infection. Due to this reason vets now recommend laser disc ablation, to cure disk diseases. Although surgical intervention can alter various spinal problems, the response to surgery is only determined after the surgery is performed. Surgery is necessary for pets suffering from tumors surrounding the spinal column. These tumors may be extracted and subjected to biopsy to diagnose malignancy.

Pets recovering from surgery require additional home care and follow up vet checks. Prescribed medication should also be administered on time to reduce post-operation pain and discomfort.

