Dog Bite Prevention and Treatment

Dogs may become aggressive and bite and this is among the top reasons dogs get abandoned and end up in shelters. Dogs bite when playing or when they want to protect their territory. However, dog bite prevention is possible through training, proper socialization and some additional methods that will control the dog’s behavior and reduce his aggressiveness.


A proper training is essential in determining the pet’s behavior. Ideally, your dog should get training as early as possible, when he is still a puppy, as this will ensure he will not develop an aggressive behavior. The trainer will teach your pet to be obedient and you will also learn a few commands to be able to control your dog.

In addition to professional training, you should also train your pet at home. You should let your dog know that biting is not an acceptable conduct and punish him by sending him to an isolated room or taking away his favorite toy for 10 minutes. You should also avoid initiating tug games and other activities that will stimulate your dog and make him want to bite.

Spaying or Neutering

Spaying or neutering may modify your pet’s behavior and may reduce canine aggression. In some cases, dogs get aggressive driven by their sexual instincts. Also, after giving birth a female dog tends to be protective and may bite whoever threatens her puppies.

Spaying or neutering can put an end to your pet’s aggressive behavior.


An early socialization with other canines may contribute to dog bite prevention and prevention of canine aggression.

Ideally, the dog should spend his first 6 weeks with his mother and brothers and sisters, so as to be able to learn how to behave and play without biting or being aggressive.

In addition, you should also allow your dog to socialize with other dogs, by taking him to a park or places where other dogs are present.

A dog that lacks necessary socialization may develop an unacceptable behavior and may be aggressive against other canines or even humans.

Dog Bite Treatment

Bite related injuries should be treated immediately, so that the wound won’t get infected. The saliva of the dog may contain several bacteria that may cause infections.

Clean the wound by holding it under cold running water for 2 to 3 minutes. Get some hydroxide peroxide for disinfection and then dry the area. Apply an antibiotic cream to prevent an infection. If the wound is deeper you may need stitching and even some oral antibiotics. 

If the dog that has bitten you is a stray dog or you don’t know if he’s been vaccinated, you should get an anti rabies shot. If you have been vaccinated in the past 3 years, you don’t need a shot. However, you may need a booster.

You should watch out for a few signs of infection including fever, swelling and redness in the wound area, pus accumulation and foul odor or pain in the area.

