Dog Bite Treatment

Dogs can bite if they are aggressive and not properly trained, while playing or when they protect their territory. Dog bite treatment should be applied immediately after the occurrence of a bite to prevent infection. Dog saliva contains bacteria that can easily cause infection. About half of the total dog bites get infected.

First Aid after Dog Bite

Immediately after the occurrence of a dog bite, the wound needs to be properly cleaned. Wash the wound with cold running water. This will eliminate the saliva and bacteria that can cause infection. After washing, disinfect the area with hydroxide peroxide and dry the wound.

Antibiotic Ointments

Antibiotic ointments are among the dog bite treatment essentials. Apply an antibiotic ointment immediately after cleaning the wound. Antibiotics can prevent an infection. If the wound is already infected, the antibiotics can fight the infection.

If the wound is deep, you should also get some oral antibiotic. Consult your doctor before getting any medication. Oral antibiotics can have some side effects including nausea, stomach irritation or ulcers and secondary infections (i.e., yeast infections).

Alternative Dog Bite Treatment

Unlike antibiotics, natural remedies do not have side effects. Natural remedies are also recommended for people that have antibiotics intolerance.

After washing and disinfecting the dog bite, apply some grated carrots and cover the wound with a bandage. Carrots can absorb harmful bacteria and toxins from the wound, fighting infection. Change the carrots several times and remove the bandages if the wound is no longer red or swollen.

Clay can also be applied on a dog bite, and has the property of extracting the toxins from the wounds. The clay can be mixed with some antimicrobial herbs, such as berberis. The clay should be left on the wound until it dries, and you should apply several layers of sterile clay until you notice that the wound is not swollen.

The natural treatment should be applied immediately after the occurrence of the bite. If you fail to do so, these remedies will not have a healing effect.

Anti-Rabies Shot

Dogs can be carriers of rabies. Even if pets are less likely to have rabies, as they are vaccinated, you need to get a rabies shot. If you've had a rabies shot in the past 5 years, the shot is not needed; you may possibly receive a booster.

Symptoms of Infection

After being bitten by a dog, you need to monitor the wound and see if it is infected. An infection will be signaled by:

  • Fever
  • Redness of the wound and area
  • Swelling
  • Pus and foul odor
  • Pain when touching the wound

Dog bites that are not treated can spread in the body and lead to gangrene and bone infections, depending on where the wound is located.

Dog bites can be treated at home, but you must visit your doctor to see if the wound needs sutures, and for the rabies shot. If you get bitten by your own pet, calm him down and give him a 5 minute time out, so that he realizes he did something wrong.

