Dog Bladder Stones Diet Tips

The dog bladder can often get stones. When this happens, you have to find an alternative diet for her to ensure the stones will not come back.

Types of Bladder Stones

Unfortunately physical symptoms of bladder stones may not be shown by your dog. Bladder stones are a urinary calculi called urolithiasis. Most of the time, bladder stones are found in the bladder rather than in the urinary tract. Abdominal x-rays and urine samples taken at your vet's office will determine whether or not she has stones.

There are two different bladder stones that can be diagnosed to your dog, strutive or oxylate stones. Strutive stones cannot dissolve from just a change in diet alone.  Surgical treatment is needed to get rid of the ones already present. However, oxylate stones can be fixed with a change in diet and exercise in your dog.

Causes Of Bladder Stones

Genetics, diet and the urine ph are all factors in how bladder stones form. There is no way of testing to make sure for sure your dog is not susceptible to stones. If she has high levels of acidic alkalinizes in her urine, chances are that is why she has stones. A diet too high in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and protein will also cause stones to form. It has been proven that dogs that get very little exercise or activity get stones as well.

Diet Recommendations 

A diet lower in minerals and protein and higher in fiber will help with any chances of bladder stones forming again. Finding a natural formula specifically made for dogs that are susceptible to bladder stones or any brand your vet suggests will help as well. Brands highly recommended for bladder stones are Royal Canin SO and Science Diet S/C. It is also very important to make sure she is drinking plenty of water. Water will keep the urine continuously passing through the bladder and flushing it which will make it less likely for her to get stones again. It is also important to make sure she is getting exercise three times a day to prevent the bladder stones from coming back.

