Dog Cancer Symptoms

Dog cancer symptoms vary according to the affected area in the body. There are several types of cancer in dogs, just like in humans: skin cancer, bone cancer, oral cancer or cancer localized in vital organs such as the liver, the lungs or the pancreas. Cancer affects middle aged or older dogs and may be a fatal condition. Diagnosing the cancer in a timely manner can help reducing the early death of the pet and offer a quality life. The detection of cancer may greatly depend on whether you spot the symptoms of your pet.

Typical Cancer Symptoms

Even if the symptoms of cancer depend on the area where it is localized, there are a few symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored. Lethargy, depression and weight loss can indicate that your pet has a tumor. Unusual swellings on the body may also point to a tumor.

Bone Cancer Symptoms

Bone cancer is also known as osteosarcoma. Some common symptoms of bone cancer include swelling, joint pain, difficulty to move, behavior changes and aggressiveness. The bone cancer may be localized in the legs, hips, skull or the spine of the dog and he will experience pain in these areas.

Lung Cancer Signs

Lung cancer in dogs has been linked to the exposure of dogs to smoke and different toxic fumes. The signs of lung cancer include coughing (sometimes blood), vomiting, breathing problems, exercise resistance, fatigue, fever or anemia.

A lot of cancer spread from different organs and metastize in the lungs.

Liver Cancer Symptoms

The liver cancer is not a condition that will present early symptoms. When the cancer is in an advanced stage, the dog will display symptoms such as vomiting, frequent urination, increased thirst, jaundice (yellow eye whites), blood in the stool, weight loss, anemia and anorexia.

Stomach Cancer Symptoms

Stomach cancer is rare in canines, but when this occurs it will show the following symptoms: lack of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, general state or weakness and rapid and shallow breathing.

Symptoms of Canine Prostate Cancer

The prostate cancer affects male dogs and is due to the amounts of testosterone that are secreted by the prostate. Dogs that are not neutered are more susceptible to this type of cancer. The symptoms of prostate cancer include abdominal enlargement, pain when urinating, more frequent urination in fewer amounts, secretions from the reproductive organs.

These symptoms of cancer may also point to different medical conditions, so it is important to get a proper diagnosis from the vet. Depending on the symptoms of your pet, the vet will run a series of tests and determine if there is a tumor. If the diagnosis is cancer, the stage of the cancer must also be established. If detected early, the tumor may be operable and there are several medication options that may help the dog.

Cancer is difficult to prevent; however, taking good care of your pet, feeding him quality food and protecting him from toxic fumes and materials may help preventing cancer.

