Dog Eyesight Test

An eyesight test for your pet may be performed if you suspect your dog may have some vision problems. The eyesight of dogs is different from the eyesight of humans and in some respects, their eyesight is worse than the eyesight of humans. However, dogs can detect movement and may also see better during night.

Symptoms of Eyesight Problems

If your dog is affected by eyesight problems he may present a series of symptoms that can help you pinpoint the problem.

A dog with impaired vision may not eat properly, as he may not be able to find his food bowl (however, he may use his sense of smell as a guide), but the lack of appetite may also be due to the fact that the dog is stressed by the problem and the fact that he is not able to see properly.

You may also find that your dog gets easily injured and collides with furniture and other items that he fails to see.

Even if you cannot supervise your dog, you may notice that he has various scratches and wounds, which may be due to the fact that he cannot see.

You may also observe that there are changes in the appearance of the eye or the eyelids.

The Home Eyesight Test

To test your pet’s eyesight, you can use some methods at home.

Even if your dog doesn’t see colors as we do, he should be able to detect movement. In order to test if he sees or not, take a piece of paper (or a light object) and drop it in front of the dog. If the dog sees the object, he will react in some way (may bark or move). If the dog doesn’t see the object, he may have an eyesight problem.

However, when performing this test, you need to make sure that the object won’t make any noise, as your dog’s hearing may help him identify the movement and he may react even if he doesn’t see the object. For this reason, a piece of paper or a feather is best to use when performing the test.

Professional Eyesight Test

Having performed the at home eyesight test and suspecting that you pet may have a vision problem, you will have to get a confirmation from your vet.

You can consult your vet or an ophthalmologist that deals with pets.

The professional will perform some eye tests and will establish if your pet sees or not. Also, the specialist will be able to tell you what may be causing the eyesight problem.

Eyesight Problems in Dogs

The most common eyesight problems in dogs include:

  • Cataracts
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Infections and conjunctivitis
  • Eye injuries (may be caused by foreign objects that scratch the eye)
  • Tumors on the eyelid, which may close the eye

Blindness may be an inherited disease or it may be acquired. In some cases, blindness can be prevented.

