Dog Foot Fungus Treatment

Dog fungal infections take a lot of time to treat; the infections may affect the skin or different areas of the body such as the ear, mouth or the paws. Canine foot fungus may be very difficult to treat, as the paws cannot be properly bandaged and can get easily reinfected, as the dog’s feet may come in contact with a new source of infection.

Foot Fungal Infections

The most common fungal infection that affects the dog is the malassezia, which is caused by an overgrowth of yeast cells, resulting in itchiness, hair loss, sores with discharges, dry skin and flakiness. Other infectious agents may include blastomycosis, histoplasmosis and onychomycosis.

Typically, fungal infections can be treated with anti fungal shampoos and topical ointments and by not allowing the dog to touch the treated areas to allow the areas to heal. However, the paws are constantly exposed to dirt and different types of bacteria or fungi in the dog’s environment, so the infection can be problematic to get rid of.

Foot Fungus Treatment

The fungus treatment should be made up of several different stages. First of all, you will have to get an antifungal shampoo and apply it thoroughly on the dog’s skin and paws.

The vet may recommend a few products and medication that will reduce the fungi.

Anti fungal creams and ointments containing steroids and Itraconazole or Ketoconazole will be effective in removing fungi.

Apply these creams and if you cannot bandage the dog’s paws or the dog removes the bandages, you should consider keeping the dog indoors at least for 3 or 4 days, until the wounds start to heal and the fungal infection shows signs of improvement.

A lamp shade collar is also recommended, so that the dog can’t chew or lick the ointment off his paws.

Keep the dog away from moist areas which may contain additional fungi or bacteria.

The healing of a fungal infection may take over 2 weeks, depending on how quickly the dog’s system responds and on whether the dog gets in contact with other infectious agents.

At Home Foot Fungus Treatment

Get an over the counter shampoo that contains fungicides or ask your vet for a prescription, which contains a higher concentration of fungicides. Get the paws and soak them in a bit of lukewarm water mixed with anti fungal shampoo and iodine, which can eliminate fungi without actually damaging the skin.

When rinsing the dog, use chlorhexidine or boric acid, which will relive itchiness and discomfort. Allow the solution to make its effect and rinse again with water.

Repeat this procedure at least 4 times per week and don’t discontinue after the infection looks healed. You should continue the treatment for at least 2 more weeks after the infection is gone.

If you see no signs of improvement after 1 or 2 weeks, you should visit the vet and get medication and topical ointments.

