Maintaining a Dog Health Record: The Essential Information

You should keep a comprehensive dog health record from the very beginning of your dog's life; however, you can start one at any stage. It will assist you in providing preventative care on schedule, reporting health issues and emergencies to the vet and administering and monitoring any treatment prescribed.

Record the Information in an Organized, Accessible Manner

A canine health record may range from basic to complex. Record information in a spiral notebook, on a printed form or in a computer database. Store official health documents, like insurance policies, along with your own written records. Here's a list of information to record, with suggested sections.

Calendar and Directory

This section may include dates and times of all appointments, as well as contact information for the vet office, the emergency room, the veterinary hospital and pharmacy, and maybe acupuncturists, physical therapists and behaviorists.

Tests and Treatment Log

This section may include dates and results of blood work-ups and any other tests. Keep track here of all medicines you give your dog-whether they're over-the-counter or prescribed-as well as when and how much. Include nutritional supplements, too.

Vaccination Log

Include a schedule of these vaccines and note when your dog receives them:

  • DHPP-Distemper, Hepatitus/Adenovirus
  • Parainfluenza, Parvovirus
  • Leptospirosis
  • Bordetella
  • Rabies

Behavioral Journal

Recording your dog's psychological progress will allow you to spot any changes, which may signal disease. In addition, record experiences you share with your dog, happy or sad. This fosters strong bonding that will in turn enhance your dog's health and happiness.


