Dog Itch Remedies

Itchiness is very uncomfortable for dogs; they scratch and this may lead to bald patches or infections. You need to find itch remedies in order to prevent further complications. Itchiness is caused by parasites, allergies, skin infection, hormonal imbalance or dry and irritated skin.

There are anti-itch remedies that should be given to the dog, according to the cause that leads to itchiness.

Dietary Supplements

Some dogs have a dryer skin type; dry skin may also be caused by a poor diet, so adding some supplements should help improving the dog's skin condition.

If your dog has dry and irritated skin and this causes itchiness, you need to watch the dog's diet and add some fatty acid supplements.

Vitamin E and selenium are also recommended for dry skin.

Your vet may prescribe a special prescription dog food that will prevent any skin and coat problems.

If your dog has dry skin, make sure to keep him away from water, sun and wind, which can aggravate the dryness of the skin.

Itch Relief Spray

The itchiness may be caused by parasites such as mites, fleas or ticks and the dog will scratch and lick his skin excessively. The ringworm is a fungus that will also cause itchiness.

Each parasite, bacteria and fungus has a suitable treatment and in addition, it is also recommended to use an itch relief spray that will soothe the irritated skin and prevent your dog from scratching his fur off.

Alternatively, you may opt for anti-itch remedies such as shampoo or powders.

Corticosteroid Cream

The itchiness may be relieved with a cream that contains corticosteroids. The corticosteroids calm the skin and reduce redness and swelling.

Make sure that your dog is not allergic to steroids.

Antihistamines and Allergy Shots

Itchiness may be a symptom of allergies caused by food or environmental factors. It is important to detect the allergens and reduce the dog's exposure to these, but you also need to relieve the allergies to get rid of the symptoms.

Antihistamines can be efficient temporary allergy relievers.

Alternatively, allergy shots can be administrated. Your dog needs to get a skin test or a blood test and after the allergens are identified, a vaccine containing the allergens will be administrated.


Diazoxide is typically used in treating hypertension or diabetes. Diazoxide has a vasodilator action and may cause local muscle relaxation, so it may relieve itchiness. However, the treatment with diazoxide is only temporary and the cause of the itchiness should be treated also.

Itchiness may be a symptom of a medical condition and shouldn't be ignored. The licking and scratching may lead to infections due to the bacteria that are present in the dog saliva that can infect the deep scratches.

Don't apply anti-itch remedies without consulting your vet.

It is important that you spot the causing factor and apply a suitable treatment. Notice other symptoms and the location of the itchy spots; different causes may lead to different locations on the dog's body.

