Dog Kidney Infection Diagnosis

A dog kidney is used for the purpose of excreting waste from the body. When an infection develops in the kidney, the leftover waste from the body has no where to go and it eventually builds up inside the kidney. A dog kidney has the unique ability to function even when it is not working properly. This usually poses a major problem in that the infection can go on long before there are any noticeable symptoms.

When a kidney infection becomes extremely advanced, it can actually cause the shutdown of the kidney, resulting in kidney failure. Kidney failure of this nature is highly fatal to a dog so it is important to have the condition diagnosed as soon as the symptoms become apparent.

Learn the Symptoms

The first step in the diagnosis of a dog kidney infection is for the dog owner to learn about the symptoms of the condition. The symptoms associated with a kidney infection are usually not entirely noticeable at first. However, as the condition progresses, the symptoms will become more pronounced.

Some of the symptoms to look for include:

  • Attempting frequent urination without success
  • Strains of blood in the urine
  • Excessive thirst
  • Fatigue or changes in mood and behavior
  • Unexplained loss of weight
  • Pain in the kidney area
  • Visible swelling in the kidney area

It should also be noted that some dogs with a kidney infection will experience a low grade fever as a result of the bacterial infection. If, however, the fever begins to spike, it should warrant immediate medical attention.

Diagnostic Testing and Treatment

The most difficult part of diagnosing a dog kidney infection is realizing that there is a problem. The actual diagnostic test which is used to detect a kidney infection is relatively quick and simple. Once the symptoms of a kidney infection warrant a trip to the veterinarian, a urine sample will be taken from the dog.

The urine is then tested in a laboratory setting and can effectively determine if there is any bacteria present in the urine. In culmination with the symptoms and the presence of urinary bacteria, the condition can be easily diagnosed. A urine sample is very easily obtained and it should not present any associated pain for a dog.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, a plan of treatment can be implemented. Most commonly, a prescription antibiotic will be given. The course of antibiotics typically lasts for two weeks, but can depend upon the severity of the infection. When a kidney infection is very advanced, the span of time for medication may be increased or the dosage amount may be strengthened.

Prognosis of a Dog Kidney Infection

The prognosis for an infection of this nature is usually quite good. Once the condition is confirmed, there is really no reason that it cannot be treated promptly and effectively. The only problem with a dog kidney infection occurs when it has become so far progressed that it actually causes a slow or immediate shutdown of the kidney.

