Dog Paralysis Treatment with Polyneuropathy

Dog paralysis as a result of polyneuropathy is a relatively uncommon issue, but it is still one that most dog owners should be aware of. As pets develop polyneuropathies, or conditions that affect more than one peripheral nerve pathway, there are a wide variety of problems that can develop. Among these are loss of control of the muscles and limbs, severe twitching and flinching and, in some extreme cases, minor or massive scale paralysis. If your pet has the early stages of a polyneuropathic condition, it's best to work with a veterinarian early on to determine the best way to deal with his situation so that you can provide him with the means necessary to continue to move about freely.

Surgical Treatment

In a few cases, surgery may help to eliminate the problems with your dog's polyneuropathic condition. This is usually the case if the surgery is begun early on in the progression of the condition, and it only works for certain types of conditions and not for other ones. Your vet can tell you if this is a potential treatment option. Generally speaking, surgery is the only way to fully "treat" a polyneuropathy. Otherwise, any of the other methods suggested here are simply coping mechanisms. One of the downsides to surgery compared with these other methods is that it is significantly more expensive to enact on your pet. Another risk is that there are potential side effects and errors that can further cause your dog paralysis or eliminate the possibility of curing his polyneuropathy down the line.


For dogs that have a polyneuropathy which affects only the hind legs, there are several different options. In addition to harnesses that help you to lift and carry your dog when you reach stairs and other precarious places, there are also wheelchair setups that you can buy. These rolling carts will attach to the rear of your pet's body and brace his legs so that he can still walk. These solutions are adequate for many dogs, provided that they have full use of the front part of their body still. If your dog suffers a different type of paralysis or paralysis in another location of his body, speak with your vet for additional ideas of how to deal with this problem.

Physical Therapy

In certain situations, physical therapy can help to either regain lost mobility in certain parts of your dog's body or to slow down and prevent the total loss of mobility in that area. Physical therapy is usually done with a trained veterinary specialist. These sessions may be quite expensive. They generally meet with your pet once or twice per week and provide you with a set of exercises that you can continue to do to build strength and mobility at home.

For more information about how to best deal with your dog's paralysis as a result of a polyneuropathy, speak with your veterinarian.

