Guide to Dog Teeth: Care and Cleaning

Dogs have dental problems that can be prevented. Taking care of dog teeth is the responsibility of each owner. The majority of dogs suffer from periodontal disease, which may cause tooth decay and loss. From the time your dog cuts his first tooth, your dog must receive proper care at home and at the vet's to maintain dental health.

Home Dental Care

When tartar and plaque build up on dog's teeth, gums may become infected, causing tooth decay and loss. Brush your dog's teeth daily with toothbrushes and toothpaste designed especially for dogs. Do not use human toothpaste and rinses, for they are not meant to be swallowed by a dog. Give your dog dental toys and treats that scrub teeth and gums as your dog chews. A special diet can also augment home dental care.

Vet Dental Care

Care of dog teeth in a vet's office involves the following components: pre-anesthesia blood tests; antibiotics to treat any infections; general anesthesia; ultrasound cleaning; polishing; root canals to save individual teeth; fluoride application to strengthen all of your dog's teeth.

Tartar and plaque begin forming on dog teeth six hours after a cleaning. It is crucial that you provide your dog with daily dental health care and make sure your dog never misses a dental appointment.

