Dog Wipes Himself on Carpet

Dogs sometimes display weird behaviors that you cannot find an explanation to. If the dog wipes himself on the carpet you may not know what’s going on. There are a few reasons why the dog displays such as behavior, the most common being the presence of intestinal parasites, anal gland infections or allergies.

Intestinal Parasites

Most commonly, when a dog wipes himself on the carpet, this will signal that the dog has intestinal parasites. The intestinal parasites may move through the intestines and can reach the rectal area, causing itchiness.

If you suspect your pet has intestinal worms, you should see if he has other symptoms such as:

Intestinal parasites can be removed with medication treatment and once the parasites are gone, the dog should no longer drag his behind on the floor. If the behavior occurs after treatment, visit the vet for a checkup and to find out if there are other problems with your pet.


Allergies, especially inhalant allergies can cause itchiness in the rectal area. When the dog wipes himself on the carpet, this is just a way of relieving the burning sensation, at least for a short while.

Other symptoms of allergies will include:

  • sneezing
  • ocular and nasal transparent discharges
  • coughing
  • skin irritation
  • swelling of feet and face

Allergies should be controlled with antihistamines, steroids or allergy shots. To relieve the discomfort, the dog may also get a topical ointment that should be applied in the rectal area. As soon as the irritation is gone, the dog should no longer wipe his backside on the carpet.

Anal Glands Infection

Some dogs that wipe themselves on the carpet may have anal sacs or glands. Dogs have 2 anal sacs, which are placed at the opening on the rectum and are filled with a bad smelling liquid dogs use to communicate with other canines.

Typically, the anal sacs are emptied while the dog is urinating or passing feces.

The anal glands can get infected due to the bacteria that gather in the area. An infection can cause a lot of itchiness and discomfort and this will make the dog drag his backside on the floor.

Additional symptoms may include:

  • excessive licking of the rectal area
  • diarrhea or softer stools
  • feces that have a different odor
  • possibly blood or pus coming from the rectum

The infection can develop into an abscess and should be treated with antibiotics. A vet must be consulted to confirm the dog has an infection.

In order to prevent possible infections, you may make sure your dog’s rectal area is always clean. You may use a sponge and clean the area once per day. Use a soft shampoo, preferably one that has natural ingredients. Alternatively, you can prepare a rinse from chamomile or oatmeal. These will clean the rectum and will not irritate the area.

