Dog Yeast Infection Symptoms

There are many symptoms that are indicative of a dog yeast infection. Typically, the infection occurs either on the skin or in the ears. Dog yeast infections are common and are usually treatable.

Symptoms of Skin Yeast Infections

Every dog has a certain amount of malassezia—a type of yeast—in their ear canals, anal sacs, rectums and vaginas, and it usually doesn’t pose a problem. However, there are a few dogs who will experience an overabundance of the yeast and will develop an infection. Typically, the yeast infection will occur on certain spots, including the ear, anal area, feet or muzzle. Sometimes, the infection will be come generalized and spread throughout the dog’s body. Dogs who have yeast infections on their toes will constantly lick at them to try to remove the infection and to help alleviate the pain. If the yeast infection occurs on the muzzle, the dog may rub her nose on couches or the floor or she may scratch. In addition, if the anal area has become infected, she may lick or rub her bottom on the floor. If the yeast infection has become generalized, the dog may have a foul odor because of the bacteria permeating the skin. Many dogs with yeast infections will scratch themselves constantly and can cause damage from the nails. Some will even bite themselves to the point of mutilation. The skin may be oily, thickened, red or even black, while some hair loss may also occur.

Symptoms of Ear Yeast Infections

If your dog is scratching at his ears or rubbing them along the floor, he may be suffering from a yeast infection. If he does have a yeast infection, he may also hold his head to one side, be sensitive around the ear or even become depressed or irritable. If the infection is severe enough, it can spread to the inner ear and cause disorientation. Ears that are infected with yeast will usually appear red, inflammed and sometimes swollen. You may notice sores on the flaps from your dog’s nails as well. The wax that is produced by a yeast infection will be a dark brown color and is often sticky. The ear will probably have a large amount of the discharge in the canal and it will often travel to the ear folds. Many ear yeast infections will occur because of allergies. When the body is fighting an allergen, the ears will produce a large amount of wax, which can cause a yeast infection. If you notice that the dog has ear infections the same time of year or they are often accompanied by a lot of scratching at the skin, your dog may have allergies.

Treatment of Yeast Infections

Both types of yeast infections need to be treated, as they won’t go away on their own. Shampoos and topical treatments are often effective for skin yeast infections. If needed, oral medications will also be prescribed. Ear yeast infections need to be treated with medication, along with daily ear cleanings.

