Early Detection of Diabetes in Dogs

Diabetes in dogs can have severe consequences if not detected in a timely manner. A diabetic dog can show early signs of diabetes, which should be an alarming sign and a visit to the vet should be made to confirm the diagnostic. The early detection of diabetes in dogs can improve the quality of the dog’s life, prevent complications and in some cases even cure the disease.

Early Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that occurs due to an increased amount of blood sugar that cannot be assimilated by the normal amount of insulin produced by the body. Another type of diabetes is when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin, making it impossible to assimilate all the glucose in the blood. Both types of diabetes show the same symptoms.

Diabetes may show early signs in dogs and you should pay attention to any change in your dog’s eating or urination behavior.

The high level of glucose in the blood flow can cause increased thirst in the dog, so if your dog has diabetes he will drink more water than usual.

The intake of more fluids will result in a more frequent urination. If you fail to take your dog outside when he needs to urinate, he may urinate in the house.

The dog may also have an increased appetite, but despite this, he may still lose significant amounts of weight.

Blood and Urine Tests

If you suspect that your dog has diabetes, you should get some tests done; blood and urine tests can confirm the presence of diabetes.

Diabetes may also be accidentally discovered during routine checkups when blood and urine tests are performed. An increased level of glucose in the blood as well as in the urine can indicate that the dog has diabetes.

Early Detection of Diabetes

The early detection of diabetes can have positive consequences on the health and lifestyle of your dog. Undetected diabetes can lead to frequent infections, eye cataracts, blindness, pancreatitis, kidney failure, nervous system damage and even early death.

Depending on the age and the health condition of the dog, the early detection of diabetes may result in a full recovery. Some changes in the diet and the exercise schedule should also be made. Typically, if the dog is older, a full recovery will not be possible; the full recovery may be possible in the rare cases and only in the following cases:

  • In a younger dog that loses weight and has a change in his diet made
  • A dog that has diabetes as a consequence of abnormal pancreas function and the gets treatment for this problem
  • If the disease is caused by a hormonal imbalance and this is solved

Even if the condition is not always treatable, the regular administration of insulin can manage the dog’s condition. The insulin shots may be administered at different frequencies (between 1 shot every 4 hours and 1 shot in 2 days), depending on the dog’s condition and his reaction to the treatment.

