Elements of a Dog Safe Garden

If you have a garden you should make sure your dog is safe and the garden is dog friendly. Dogs are curious and are likely to explore the garden making sure to check all its elements. You should opt for safe products and plants that are not toxic to prevent any possible accidents.

Safe Fertilizers and Pesticides

A large number of commercial fertilizers and pesticides contain ingredients that are not safe for pets. Your dog may accidentally ingest these products and this may be fatal for you pet.

Even if the dog will not ingest the fertilizers or pesticides, the plants that will grow out of the fertilized land may be contaminated and the dog may chew on these plants.

Consequently, the fertilizers and pesticides you use should be pet friendly. The labels of the products you buy should always mention if they are safe for pets.

To be on the safe side you may always choose natural fertilizers (i.e. manure) and pesticides that will surely not harm your dog.

Safe Plants

There are a lot of plants that can be toxic for dogs. You should get plants that are safe for your dog. Even if you don’t want the dog to chew on these your dog will be most likely inspecting the plants.

Besides wheat and catnip, there are also other safe plants the dog can chew on without having an allergic reaction or getting poisoned:

  • Begonia
  • Geranium plant
  • Miniature roses
  • Shrimp plant
  • Swedish ivy
  • Prayer plant

Special Dog Section

You may divide your garden and have a section that belongs to the dog only. The other section should be protected with wire or other dog repellents. Apply safe products in the dog’s section and get a few safe plants.


You should also make sure that the garden has a shaded area to prevent heat strokes in your pet. If your dog spends a lot of time in the garden and the sun is strong, he may get a heat stroke which may be fatal

Elements to Avoid

You should be aware of the plants that are most poisonous for dogs and avoid selecting these to keep your dog safe. Plants that are toxic for dogs include:

  • Spinach
  • Rhubarb
  • Cherry trees
  • China berries
  • Peach and apricot trees
  • Onions and garlic
  • Bulb plants
  • Figs
  • Skunk cabbage
  • Any plant from the deadly nightshade group of plants including the potato, tomato, eggplants or peppers
  • Mushrooms

There are also a few plants that may cause irritation in more sensitive dogs. Avoid plants such as weeping figs or chrysanthemum.

If you would like to grow these, you should place these in a special section your dog doesn’t have access to.

You may also want to stay away from plants that have thorns, which can cause wounds, infections and additional complications in your pet.

