Enalapril Maleate Side Effects in Dogs

Enalapril maleate is a medication that's used to control certain types of heart problems in dogs. Most pets suffering from mild to severe heart failure benefit from this medication. The drug also effectively treats dogs suffering from high blood pressure. While this medication works well when it's administered appropriately, it can cause certain side effects. Pet owners should be cautious when they administer the medication and should contact the vet if they have any doubts about the dosage.

Enalapril Maleate for Dogs

This medication is available in four potencies. It's a prescription drug and is specifically formulated for use in canines. The medication belongs to a class of medications termed as ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors. The body requires a certain enzyme to make a substance that tightens blood vessels. ACE inhibitors block this enzyme and reduce high blood pressure and heart problems in pets. Some vets also prescribe Enalapril along with other medications to treat cardiac problems or other ailments.

Dosage and Administration

Since every pet's response to medication is different, you must follow the dosage instructions that are given to you by the vet. However, as a general guideline dogs should be given 0.25 mg of Enalapril per pound of body weight, once a day. It isn't mandatory to administer the medication along with the pet's food, but you must make sure that your dog drinks plenty of water after he takes it. The vet may also change the dosage a few weeks after the drug has been administered.

Side Effects of Enalapril Maleate:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Drowsiness
  • Dryness of the mouth
  • Skin irritation or rash
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea

Severe Side Effects

Although the side effects listed above are common in most pets that are prescribed Enalapril, a few dogs may develop additional side effects that call for the vet's intervention. If the dog shows signs of allergic reactions and develops hives or swelling of the tongue, you will have to discontinue the use of Enalapril and conduct a vet check. Some dogs may suffer from fainting spells, excessive urination, infrequent urination, bleeding and fever, while others may show signs of weight gain, swelling and cough.


You need to make sure your dog drinks sufficient water every day because he may develop severe kidney problems or liver disorders if he doesn't consume water and gets dehydrated.

Certain medications and supplements like non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and potassium supplements may cause drug interactions. To prevent this from happening, keep the vet informed about all medications, supplements or herbal formulas you give your pet on a daily basis.

Dogs suffering from cardiac problems may require a change in lifestyle. You will have to feed your dog the right diet to boost his health. You should also give your pet some form of moderate exercise every day so that his weight is kept in check. Pets suffering from cardiac problems require special care and attention. You will also have to take your ailing dog for regular followup checks to determine his response to the medication.

