Feline Disease Prevention

Feline diseases can be both mild and severe. Regular vet checks are a necessity for every pet's health and maintenance. Pet owners should be aware of normal cat behavior to determine if their cats are really sick. Pets can be kept in optimal health if they are vaccinated against fatal diseases and if proper home care is followed.


Several pet owners choose not to vaccinate their pets due to the risk of Vaccine Associated Sarcoma (VAS). Although this condition has occurred in certain pets, core vaccines are essential to every cat unless otherwise directed by the vet. However, pet owners have a choice to vaccinate pets with non-core vaccines as they may be more useful in some cats than others.

Diseases for which Vaccinations Are Necessary

  • FVRCP vaccine which includes feline viral rhinotracheitis, calcivirus and panleukopenia. Cats that don't receive these vaccines are highly susceptible to the diseases as they're highly contagious.
  • Rabies is a disease that attacks the central nervous system of pets. Cats and dogs are both susceptible to this virus.
  • Feline leukemia virus spreads through contact with other infected cats. Some cats are carriers of the disease without exhibiting any symptoms and can spread the virus to other pets.
  • Feline Infectious Peritonitis disease that exists in both wet and dry form can be easily contracted through external contact with infected pets.
  • Feline AIDS virus attacks the pet's immune system and causes death.

Pet owners should consider vaccinating their pets for all viruses that may be fatal and require expensive medical treatments. Along with vaccinations, it's important to keep sick pets away from others that live in the same household. Although indoor cats are less likely to come in contact with severe infections, they can also fall prey to parasite infections or bacterial viruses and should hence be vaccinated on time.


The nutritional needs of individual pets vary due to age, diseases or deficiencies. Cats in general require diets high in protein. Dietary protein is necessary for proper pH balance, and the production of antibodies and hormones. Essential fatty acids are also essential to the cat's diet. Linoleic acid and arachidonic acids are fatty acids most suited to cats. Since cats cannot synthesize taurine on their own, taurine supplements along with vitamins and minerals are necessary to keep pets healthy and happy.

Dental Care and Hygiene

Periodontal disease is common in most cats. Buildup of plaque causes tartar formation which in turn leads to severe dental diseases. Gingivitis, malocclusion and feline periodontitis are all painful oral conditions that require prompt medical treatment. Feline dental hygiene involves routine tooth brushing with pet toothpaste to avoid tartar formation. Pet teeth should also be checked routinely by the vet to treat minor oral problems in time. Along with dental care, cats should be periodically groomed. Brushing of the coat, pet nail trimming and monthly bathing will reduce germ related infections in cats.


Cats are susceptible to parasites like tapeworms, heartworms and hookworms. Fleas and ticks are known to infect cats with parasite infections. Monthly topical treatments or tablets can reduce flea and parasite infections. It's also best to regularly brush your pet with a flea comb to identify flea or tick infections.

Pets can be kept away from disease by following simple rules of regular vaccinations, proper nutrition and home care. Remember to also keep pets in a clean environment by disinfecting the home and surroundings areas periodically.

