Feline Liver Failure Symptoms

Cat liver failure can be a consequence of liver disease and an increased level of toxins in the body. The liver is a large organ with multiple functions, involved in filtering toxins, giving energy and nutrients or distributes fats in the body.

Feline Liver Disease

Feline liver disease may be caused by toxins or defective metabolism, however, the precise causes have not been determined yet.

Liver disease may be a secondary disease in cancer, diabetes, Cushing's disease, feline leukemia, peritonitis or feline immunodeficiency virus.

The symptoms of liver disease include:

  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Anorexia - the cat refuses to eat
  • Diarrhea - often the feces are paler and even gray
  • Weakness
  • Sleepiness

These symptoms are rarely seen in the first stages of the disease, so if you notice them, make sure you visit the vet to avoid further complications.

Liver Disease Treatment

Liver disease may be treated through a low fat diet. The vet will prescribe a special formula diet that includes antioxidants and grains that may be easily digested. In this manner, the liver will be able to rest and recover.

Supplements of choline may also be prescribed; these contribute in the lipid metabolism.

Liver Failure

If the liver disease is left untreated, more toxins will build up in the cat's body and this will result in liver failure. The body is not able to process the excess toxins and the condition may be fatal.

Liver Failure Symptoms

The symptoms of liver failure include the symptoms of liver disease and you will also notice:

  • Jaundice - the whites of the cat's eyes will be yellowish and the gums will also be paler or yellowish
  • Seizures - the toxins may cause the cat to have spasms in severe cases
  • Circling
  • Confusion
  • Bloated stomach, caused by fluid retention
  • Excessive salivation
  • Depression
  • Irritability

At this stage, the treatment may not be effective and for this reason, it is important to act as soon as you detect the first signs of liver disease.

Prevent Liver Disease

To prevent liver disease, you need to supervise your cat's diet and make sure that the foods he eats cannot cause an elevation of toxin levels.

Cats under medication may be at risk for liver disease. Some medications that may increase the toxic levels are:

  • Steroids
  • Non-steroidal anti inflammatories
  • Sedatives such as Phenobarbital and other barbiturates

Heavy metals may be extremely toxic to cats. Mercury, which may exist in deep sea fish may be poisonous for cats. Auriferous deposits and lead may also be highly toxic.

Always consider the side effects of the drugs you administrate to your cat and you may look for holistic alternatives to treat your pet, which are safe and side effect-free.

Obese cats develop liver disease more easily and it is believed that obesity contributes to liver disease. If your cat is overweight, try to adopt a weight loss program for the cat to prevent liver disease. Include a healthy diet and some exercise.

