Frequently Asked Dog Symptom Questions

When you notice a dog symptom you may start worrying or call the vet immediately. You may have a few questions that you would like to know the answer to.

What Are Symptoms that Should Never Be Ignored?

In addition to the clear signs that help is needed such as bleeding, seizures or injuries, there are also a few less visible symptoms that may also signal something is wrong and the dog requires veterinary help. These conditions include:

  • Difficulty when breathing, which can signal allergies, anaphylactic shock, a heart problem or a respiratory problem
  • Chronic vomiting and diarrhea (more than 48 hours), can signal a wide range of conditions from food intolerance to stomach tumors
  • Chronic constipation, can mean the dog's diet is deficient in fibers but may also point to a colon problem
  • Increased thirst, can be a symptom of poisoning or diabetes
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Anorexia, can be caused by any disease
  • Blood in the stool or vomit, can be due to parasites or more complex conditions such as cancer
  • Parasites in the stool or vomit
  • Swollen face, may signal anaphylactic shock
  • Shaking, can be a symptom of a heat stroke or a trauma
  • Pale gums, may be due to low blood pressure or poisoning

These symptoms may not always signal a severe condition, but you should always check with your vet, just to be safe.

What Should I Watch out For?

As a dog owner you should be familiar with your pet's normal behavior and elimination frequency. You should also know his normal temperature range and the normal color of gums and other mucous membranes. Do periodical checks, such as when bathing the dog, and take his temperature a few times per week, preferably at the same time of the day.

How Do I Detect Dog Symptoms?

Typically, there should be a symptom that catches your attention. From that moment you should pay attention to auxiliary symptoms, because the dog will usually display more than one symptom. This will help in diagnosing the dog's problem faster.

What If I Detect Symptoms?

If you detect any worrying symptoms in your pet, you should call for an appointment with your vet, mentioning that the symptoms are urgent, or simply visit a vet clinic near you. If you suspect your pet has poisoning you should induce vomiting. If the dog has a heat stroke, you will have to decrease his body temperature before getting to the vet. Don't try to medicate and treat the dog before getting a clear diagnosis and never use human medications in your pet.

Why Is Dog Symptom Detection Important?

Most commonly, the early detection of a disease will lead to fewer complications and will relieve the dog's discomfort. In some cases, the early detection of the disease is crucial (i.e., cancer, diabetes, liver or kidney disease) and may save the dog's life.

