Griseofulvin for Dogs

Griseofulvin is a leading medicine in veterinary offices for its ability to effectively control infections of your pet's skin, hair and claws. If your pet suffers from an infection that is caused by fungus, griseofulvin is a great way to help address the symptoms by treating the fungal infection at its source. By eliminating the fungus from your pet's body, the medicine controls the fungal infection and reduces your pet's symptoms.

Griseofulvin Overview

Griseofulvin is an example of a medicine known as an antifungal drug. This drug functions by entering into your pet's skin follicles and preventing fungal organisms and spores from growing and spreading. Thus, griseofulvin products are most effective against fungal infections of the skin and hair. It's important to note that this medicine is not at all effective against standard bacterial infections, so you'll need to work with your vet in order to determine conclusively that your pet is suffering from a fungal condition before you begin treatment.

This medicine is better known by the brand name drug Fulvicin. While griseofulvin is approved by the FDA for use in both humans and animals, Fulvicin is the only brand name formulation of the drug that is specifically designed for use in animals. Do not provide your dog with any other type of medicine containing griseofulvin unless you have checked with your veterinarian first.

Using Griseofulvin for Your Pet

Griseofulvin comes available in many different types of forms. The most common is the tablet form or the capsule, although the medicine is also available as an injectable drug and as an oral suspension as well. Most vets and pet owners recommend the capsule or tablet forms, however, because these can be easily split into appropriate doses and mixed in along with your pet's food. The standard dose of griseofulvin in cases of fungal infection for dogs is about 25 milligrams per pound, given once per day. The exact dosage for your pet will depend upon his weight and the severity of his infection, however.

It's not uncommon for fungal infections to require treatment with this medicine for several weeks in order to be completely eliminated.

Side Effects and Risks of Griseofulvin Use

One of the major risks of griseofulvin is the suppression of cells that form blood cells. Thus, this medicine can lead to anemia and similar conditions. However, though this is a serious risk, it is quite uncommon. Have your vet periodically check on your dog's blood cell count while he's taking griseofulvin.

The other most common side effects of this medicine include the following:

  • Nausea
  • Changes in appetite
  • Vomiting

It's important that you never give this medicine to a pregnant dog or cat. Griseofulvin can cause severe birth defects in pets when provided to pregnant mothers. As with any other medicine that you give your pet, it's important that you report any side effects or unusual reactions to your vet as soon as possible so that the proper dosage can be determined.

