How to Tell If Your Dog Has Allergies

If your dog has allergies he will probably experience the same common symptoms that most other allergy dogs do, such as skin problems and ear infections. Allergies can occur at certain times or can bother your dog all year long. Depending upon what the dog is allergic to, treatment of allergies is usually simple and effective.

Skin Problems

Many dogs with allergies experience problems with their skin. If your dog is scratching excessively; has red, flaky skin or is rubbing his face along the floor or couch, chances are, he is suffering from allergies. In addition, many allergy dogs will lick and chew at their feet. Dogs with allergies may lose patches of hair and have crusty or oily skin. Your dog can actually cause sores and wounds from scratching and chewing at the skin. If the cases are severe enough, antibiotics and Elizabethan collars may be needed.

Chronic Ear Infections

Another symptom of dogs with allergies is chronic ear infections. When your dog’s body is fighting against an allergen, the ears usually produce large amounts of wax. Bacteria and yeast tend to grow more when there is excess wax and debris, which causes infections. Additionally, if your dog has pendulum ears, that is, ears that are floppy, he is even more prone to ear infections as the ear flap blocks the canal from getting air.    

Diagnosing Allergies

The most definitive way in which to diagnose what your pet is allergic to is through allergy testing. This can be done with either blood or intradermal testing. You can try to determine on your own what your dog is allergic to by observing when his allergies occur. If he starts showing symptoms during certain times of the year, he is likely allergic to a substance such as pollen or ragweed.

Treating Allergies

The course of treatment for a dog with allergies depends on how severe the allergies are. Many dogs will respond well to antihistamines. However, it may take a few tries until you find which antihistamine works the best for your dog. Giving your dog cool water baths with oatmeal shampoos may also help to soothe the skin. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids can also be beneficial in dogs with allergies. These supplements help the skin reduce the effects of histamine and other chemicals that the body releases when it comes in contact with an allergen.

Steroids are often given to dogs with allergies if the itching and inflammation is severe. Steroids can have many side effects, therefore, they are typically used sparingly.

Allergy injections are extremely effective in dogs with allergies because the serum used is made specifically for what the dog is allergic to. Your veterinarian will need to draw blood to determine how the serum should be made. The dog usually needs injections weekly or monthly. The downside to this is it requires a lot of dedication from the pet owner and can be very expensive.

