Is There a Yeast Infection Cure for Dogs?

If you are looking for a yeast infection cure you should have a clear diagnosis of your pet’s condition. A yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of the yeast cells (candida albicans) and may manifest on the skin, ears, mouth, the digestive tract or genital area of the dog. The yeast infection is fully curable, but due to the fact that the yeast cells tend to grow and multiply at a fast rate, the normal balance of yeast cells and bacteria in the dog’s body is difficult to reestablish.

Yeast Infection in Dogs

 A yeast infection can be caused by several factors such as:

  • Allergies
  • An underlying condition or an infection
  • The administration of antibiotics over a longer period of time
  • Exposure to infected canines

Dogs affected by a yeast infection will manifest various symptoms depending on the location of the yeast infection:

  • Foul odor of ears, mouth or skin
  • Upset stomach
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Skin itchiness resulting in licking and scratching
  • Discharges from the ears or vagina

The symptoms may often be misleading, as they may indicate other common conditions such as allergies, food intolerance or an infection caused by viruses or bacteria. Consequently, a diagnosis is necessary to be sure that your dog has a yeast infection. A skin scraping test can establish if the dog has a fungal infection and if the culprit infectious agents are the yeast cells.

Topical Treatment for Yeast Infection

If the yeast infection is localized in the ears, mouth or the skin of the dog, topical treatment may be sufficient to treat the infection. The ointments or drops prescribed will contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylate, which can eliminate the excess yeast cells.

Oral Treatment for Yeast Infection

If the infection affects the gastrointestinal tract or if it is a severe infection, the vet will recommend oral antibiotics. The medication treatment with antibiotics should be administered for 10 to 14 days or even longer periods of time, if needed. Antifungal medication may be given instead of antibiotics. If the irritation caused by the infection is serious, the vet may also prescribe a short cure of prednisone, which will reduce the symptoms, especially the itchiness. The prednisone cure should be administered for up to 2 weeks and another week is required to taper off the drugs, to avoid major side effects such as adrenal insufficiency.

Baths and Rinses for Dogs with Infections

If your dog is affected by a skin yeast infection, regular baths employing shampoos that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylate can be administered.

Rinses with diluted vinegar may also be recommended. The vinegar can eliminate the excess of yeast cells and the skin can regain its normal pH. Oatmeal rinses may also soothe the skin and relieve the itchiness.

Immune System Support

To boost the dog’s immunity during the treatment and speed up the recovery time, you should administer a few supplements. Fish oil capsules can be given, as these are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids.

