Is There Any Way to Cure UTI in Cats?

To cure uti in cats, vets typically use antibiotics. However, there are other types of treatment that may be used. Feline urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria that are present in the urinary tract. The symptoms of the urinary tract infection may not be present from the earliest stages and may include painful urination, blood in the urine or uncontrollable spraying. The infection may be mild or more severe and according to this, a treatment will be prescribed. 

Antibiotics for UTI in Cats

A cure of antibiotics administered for 10 to 14 days should cure the urinary infection in your cat. Common antibiotics used in felines with UTI include Zeniquin or Penicillin.

The symptoms of the infection may disappear in 2 to 4 days, but you will have to continue the treatment until indicated by the vet. Otherwise, the infection may persist and the cat will develop immunity to the antibiotics and no longer respond to these if a new treatment is prescribed.

Antibiotics will only be prescribed if the infection is severe and the cat has blood in the urine.

Side effects of antibiotics in cats may include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • lethargy
  • gastric ulcers
  • secondary fungal infections

Antibiotics are not recommended to cats that have stomach ulcers or kidney disease.

Naxcel Powder

For milder urinary infections, Naxcel can be applied. Naxcel is a powder containing ceftiofur sodium and this is efficient in fighting bacteria that lodge in the urinary tract.

Naxcel is effective in eliminating bacteria such as Proteus mirabilis or Escherichia coli.

The powder can be administered in water or mixed in the dog’s food. A single dose should cure a milder form of UTI.

Injections of Naxcel are also available and may be administered if the dog doesn’t like the smell of the powder.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic dilutions may be used to cure UTI in cats, especially if the infections are recurrent. The homeopathic remedies will take care of the infection and will also strengthen the urinary system so that the cat is less likely to develop future infections.

Common homeopathic dilutions used for the urinary tract include dilutions based on Berberic Vulg, which reduces the inflammation and eliminates the bacteria causing the infection.

Feline UTI may also be cured with dilutions containing arsenicum album, cantharsis or staphysagris.


In many cases of urinary tract infections, fluids will help eliminating the bacteria. If detected from early stages, the vet will recommend a supplementation of water and liquids and not necessarily antibiotics. The cat will urinate more frequently and the extra amounts of liquids will get rid of the bacteria.

Give your cat a bit of citric juice or add some freshly squeezed lemon juice to the cat’s drinking water. The citric acid is efficient to kill bacteria.

Avoid sweet juices, as the sugar may facilitate the reproduction of bacteria.

Make sure the cat’s water is clean, as soiled water may contain different impurities or bacteria.

