Is Your Cat Ill? 7 Common Cat Illness Symptoms

When your cat is ill he will display a different behavior and possibly some symptoms that should indicate it’s time to visit the vet. Knowing how to interpret your cat’s symptoms is important.

1. Hiding Behavior

Cats tend to hide when they are ill; however, hiding behavior can point to a health problem. If you notice that your cat is seeking more secluded places, is hiding under the bed or in closets, you should have him checked out by a vet.

2. Inactivity

If your cat is less active than usual, this may also indicate that he is ill. When the cat sleeps more than usual, this may be due to the fact that the cat’s body requires more time to sleep and heal or regenerate.

However, more sleeping and inactivity may also point to pregnancy or to the fact that your cat is becoming older.

3. Vomiting and Diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea may signal a simple stomach discomfort, but if these are chronic, they may also be symptoms of other more serious diseases. Monitor your cat and see if the vomiting and diarrhea persist. It is also important to see if the vomit is clear or if it contains food residue.

On the other hand, constipation may also be a symptom of an illness.

4. Lack of Appetite

Lack of appetite is a clear sign that your cat has a health problem. The problem may range from stress and dental problems to cancer. This symptom shouldn’t be ignored, especially if the cat refuses to eat for more than 2 days.

5. Weight Loss

Weight loss may be a consequence of the cat’s lack of appetite. However, there are also other conditions that don’t cause lack of appetite but will result in weight loss (i.e. intestinal parasites or diabetes).

6. Inappropriate Urination

A cat that strains to urinate or urinates in all places except from the litter box, this should point to a urinary tract infection. Inappropriate urination may also be due to a recent change of the litter box location or the litter brand, so you should look for additional symptoms to determine if the cat has an infection.

A urinary infection is painful and will also be signaled by more frequent urination and increased thirst.

If there is blood in the urine, this is an additional symptom that shouldn’t be ignored.

7. Excessive Scratching

This symptom may point to the presence of parasites or allergies, but may also signal a skin disease or stress. The parasites may be identified. The cat can be tested for allergies or other skin diseases. Stress is difficult to diagnose, but there are a few ways to determine if the cat is stressed.

Other symptoms that may indicate a feline illness include watery nasal or ocular discharges, irritated eyes, foul odor coming from the cat’s ears or mouth, panting, sneezing, coughing, blood when sneezing or coughing, pale gums, limping or the hesitation to perform certain movements.

