Newborn Kitten Bottle Feeding

Kitten bottle feeding can be critical to the survival of a newborn kitten, especially if you can't find a nursing cat. Bottle feeding kittens isn't very difficult, but you'll have to devote ten to twenty minutes to it several times a day. Here's how you can successfully bottle feed your kitten.

1) Get the Right Supplies and Prepare Them Properly

You'll need kitten-sized baby bottles and nipples, which you can get from your vet as well as most pet stores. Sterilize them by boiling for ten minutes. Cool the bottles before using. You'll also need a large, clean, absorbent towel, a washcloth and a bowel of warm water.

If you're in a pinch, an eye dropper can be used instead of a kitten-sized bottle. Sterilize it in the same manner.

It's a good idea to buy several bottles, sterilize them all at once, and then fill and refrigerate them to use as needed. Nursing newborn kittens is an around the clock process, and kitten care, especially in the early weeks, is a daunting task.

2) Get the Formula Right

Don't feed nursing kittens cow's milk. Feed them Kitten Milk Replacement. Warm the formula by placing it in a bowl of hot water. It should be about 95 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or about body temperature; test it against your forearm.

3) Feed Your Kitten Safely

Sit in a chair with the towel in your lap, and place the kitten face down on the towel. Make sure he is warm. Place the nipple in his mouth without raising his head, and he should begin nursing on his own. Let him nurse until he's finished; don't overfeed.

Don't raise your kitten's head while you're bottle feeding him, and don't squirt any liquid into his mouth. Both these things could make your kitten inhale the formula, causing him to choke.

A newborn kitten will need about 32 cc (1.1 oz) of formula per day, divided into nine to twelve daily feedings. He'll probably need to be fed about every two hours at first.

4) Emulate A Nursing Cat

Your kitten may need to be burped after bottle feeding. Hold him with one hand under his belly and gently pat his upper back. He should burp right away, or not at all.

If a cat were nursing your kitten, it would stimulate your kitten's elimination by licking his anal and genital areas. You can simulate this by cleaning the area with a washcloth or paper towel. Rub your kitten's belly gently to help stimulate his digestion.

5) Put Your Kitten to Bed

Your kitten will most likely feel sleepy after bottle feeding. Put him back in his bed and let him sleep as long as he wants.

6) Keep Track of Your Progress

You'll want to keep track of your kitten's growth so you know he's developing properly. Your veterinarian should be involved from the beginning, since kittens are delicate and their health can deteriorate rapidly.

Weigh your kitten daily for the first two weeks, and then weigh him again every two to three days after that. Keep a diary of his progress. In the first two weeks, he should gain half an ounce each day.

